Viscountcy of Ruxburgh

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Viscountcy of Ruxburgh
Creation Date 1759
Created by George II
Peerage English
First Holder George Ruxburgh
Current Holder -
Heir Apparent -
Subsidiary Titles N/A
Country Seat Coldharbour House
Associated County Surrey

The Viscountcy of Ruxburgh is a hereditary title in the Peerage of England associated with the Ruxburgh Family. The seat is Coldharbour House in Capel, Surrey, and their Town residence is at Number 8, Portman Square, London. The title is currently extinguished, however the Dowager Viscountess is contesting this on behalf of her grandson, Ira Wilson.


The title was created after the Battle of Quiberon Bay in acknowledgement of Captain George Ruxburgh's accomplishments during the Seven Year's War. He would, however, die only three years later during the Battle of Manila.

Viscounts Ruxburgh

Previous holders of the title are:

  • Captain George Ruxburgh (b. 1708, created 1st Viscount Ruxburgh after the Battle of Quiberon Bay 1759, d. 1762)
  • Ira Ruxbugh (b. 1728, d.1788, acceded to title in 1762.)

Richard died leaving no children, but had previously convinced his father to break the entail, ensuring that he was able to leave Coldharbour House, 8 Portman Square, and the family fortunes to the son of their estranged daughter and sister, Henrietta.