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==London Debut (1811)==
==London Debut (1811)==
Julianne debuted in London in 1811 to great applause and general acceptance as 1811's Most Eligible Debutante, though there remain a few ladies who rival her.  She soon caught the eye of [[George Hackett|Lord Selwyn]], though if that acquaintance will result in a more permanent relationship is yet to be seen.  Additionally, Julianne renewed her rivalry with both [[Charity Pritchard|Miss Pritchard]] and [[Elizabeth Dunford|Lady Elizabeth Dunford]] as well as gaining a new rival in the form of [[Juliet Landon|Lady Juliet Landon]].
==Battle of the Debutantes==
==Battle of the Debutantes==
==Relationship with Her Sister==
==Relationship with Her Sister==

Revision as of 20:22, 7 July 2010

Julianne Grafton
Portrayed by Amy Adams
Full Name Julianne Theodora Grafton
Associated Noble House(s) Marquessate of Raulings, Duchy of Wycombe
Date of Birth February 14, 1792
Father Thomas Grafton
Father's Rank Marquess of Raulings
Mother Theodora Grafton
Mother's Rank Marchioness of Raulings
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1811
Dowry £30,000

Lady Julianne Grafton is the daughter of Thomas Grafton, the 2nd Marquess of Raulings and his wife Theodora Grafton, the Marchioness of Raulings. She is the sister to the Countess of Carrington. She is played by Liz.

Early Life (1792-1810)

Julianne Theodora Grafton was born the third (second surviving) daughter of Thomas Grafton, 2nd Marquess of Raulings and his second wife, Theodora Grafton. She was born at Raulings Park in Leicestershire on February 14, 1792. She is the couple's sixth child, with older brothers Henry and Richard (twins born January 1786) and an infant brother Lord Thomas Grafton (stillborn, March 6, 1787) preceding her, as well as an older sister Katharine, later Countess of Carrington, and an infant sister Lady Theodora Grafton (born April 19, 1790 and died June 2, 1790). The couple each had a son from a previous marriage: William Grafton, Earl of Bridgeton, from her father's first marriage and John Quinn, Duke of Wycombe, from her mother's first marriage.

Julianne was always small and very delicate, and a brush with death due to a bout of scarlet fever in 1799 ensured that all members of the family treated Julianne as a semi-invalid, despite the fact that she is now fully recovered and as healthy as any debutante. As a result of her frequent illnesses as a girl, she was often forced to miss out of family outings.

While Kate was out with the boys, Julianne stayed indoors with her cat. The two girls were, however, educated together by private tutors at Raulings Park. The two girls were, however, educated together by private tutors at Raulings Park. Julianne is well versed in French and German, as well as music, watercolors, and embroidery. Her brothers have likened her singing voice to a dying crow, though she has a fair talent with the pianoforte.

One of Julianne's dearest friends is Elise Hampton, the ward of the Marchioness of Emerson. Though Julianne's competitive streak regularly rears its head, she takes pains to ensure that it does not adversely affect her friend. She is fiercely protective of Elise, and in exchange, Elise offers a soothing counterpoint to Julianne sometimes maniacal need to be the belle of every ball.

Robbie Fletcher (1810)

During the autumn of 1810, Julianne embarked on a brief love affair with the son of a local squire, Mr. Robert "Robbie" Fletcher.[1] After renewing their acquaintance over a custard pie the marchioness had brought to their neighbor, Julianne and Robbie began taking rides with one another in his curricle. When the curricle began lodged in the mud of a stream, Julianne's slipper fell off and Mr. Fletcher chased it down.[2] It was ruined, but Julianne did not have the heart to tell him so and offered him a kiss on the cheek as a reward. To her surprise, Mr. Fletcher turned his face at the last moment and stole a kiss on the lips. Shocked, but secretly thrilled as well, Julianne eventually forgave him for his boldness and the affair continued for several weeks. Though very much infatuated, Julianne kept in mind her desire to marry well and never let her passion (or Mr. Fletcher's) get the best of her.

With winter's first snow and the coming of Christmas houseparties, as well as preparations for her London debut underway, Julianne allowed the affair to fizzle, though Mr. Fletcher remained very much enamored with her. She eventually refused to see him outright and returned the letters he had sent her in secret, causing some sore feelings on his part and awkward ones on hers.

London Debut (1811)

Julianne debuted in London in 1811 to great applause and general acceptance as 1811's Most Eligible Debutante, though there remain a few ladies who rival her. She soon caught the eye of Lord Selwyn, though if that acquaintance will result in a more permanent relationship is yet to be seen. Additionally, Julianne renewed her rivalry with both Miss Pritchard and Lady Elizabeth Dunford as well as gaining a new rival in the form of Lady Juliet Landon.

Battle of the Debutantes

Relationship with Her Sister

Present Day

Reference Threads