Michael Sellwood

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Michael Sellwood
Portrayed by Nicholas Farrell (unofficial; NPC)
Full Name Michael Sellwood
Associated Noble House(s) Viscountcy of Saltash
Date of Birth 26th October 1759
Father James Sellwood
Father's Rank/Occupation Clerk
Mother Mary Sellwood
Mother's Rank/Occupation housewife
Town Residence Saltash House
Occupation Butler

Michael Sellwood is the butler to Lord Saltash and has served in that capacity since 1795, having risen in the ranks of the household staff from the lowly position of boot-boy.

He has 'a crush' on Margaret Patterson, the cook, that is seemingly apparent to every servant in the household except Mrs Patterson herself, although he has not made any steps towards actually courting her, and rumours and gossip about it are firmly squashed by Mrs Bird, Lord Saltash's valet and Lady Saltash's lady's maid - when the more junior staff are overheard chattering, anyway. If any of the family are aware, they have not said anything.