
From LLWiki
Revision as of 20:17, 7 February 2016 by Meg (talk | contribs)
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Portrayed by Squirt and a floppy hat.
Full Name Meghan, but Meg is one of the Little Women and a Disney Princess, and thus superior.
Associated Noble House(s) I wish.
Date of Birth April 26
Father The Padge (short for 'padre,' get it?)
Father's Rank Supercool
Mother Mom
Mother's Rank Awesome
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 2009
Dowry One half of a fourth-floor walk-up and a demon cat. Also wine.

Meg joined The London Life in October of 2009 with the character Jemima Palmer and, despite a slew of started applications sitting in her saved documents, has yet to create a second. When not playing the board's resident wild child with a grudge, she is a travel writer with a history degree who procrastinates far too much (thus the total rehaul of this page).

Now I'll get back to work.