Phoebe Layton

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Phoebe Layton
Portrayed by Laura Morante
Full Name Phoebe Charlotte Layton
Associated Noble House(s) Earldom Parry, Barony of Loseley
Date of Birth 26th December 1787
Father Henry Layton I
Father's Rank Earl
Mother Louisa Layton (nee Barnet)
Mother's Rank Dowager Countess
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1805
Dowry £40,000

Lady Phoebe Layton is the younger daughter of the first Earl and Countess Parry and younger sister of Lady Kirkfries and the current Earl. Unlike her older siblings she grew up quiet and reserved with a strong religious and intellectual bent. She made her debut in 1787 and received initial admiration for her beauty, serenity of countenance and because she was a Layton. However, the immorality of London shocked her and she withdrew from society. Following the season she was baptised and confirmed into the Catholic church which she felt offered a more serious faith than the trivialised Anglicanism found at St. George's. In 1806 she left England for a Roman Catholic convent in the Black Forest area of Germany where she has remained ever since and has taken her first vows. She is now known as Sister Maria Agnes.

Phoebe is a NPC belonging to Rose.