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Portrayed by Squirt and a floppy hat.
Full Name Meghan, but Meg is one of the Little Women and a Disney Princess, and thus superior.
Associated Noble House(s) I wish.
Date of Birth April 26
Father The Padge (short for 'padre,' get it?)
Father's Rank Supercool
Mother Mom
Mother's Rank Awesome
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 2009
Dowry One half of a fourth-floor walk-up and a demon cat. Also wine.

Meg joined The London Life in October of 2009 with the character Jemima Palmer. She couldn't stop herself and also wound up with Simon Wingrave and Mary Harpole. When not playing the board's resident wild child with a grudge, a dad who could really use some grief counseling, and an illegitimate orphan charity case, she is a graduate student who procrastinates far too much (thus the total rehaul of this page).

Now I'll get back to work.