Toby Jackson

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Toby Jackson
Portrayed by Douglas Henshall (unofficially)
Full Name Tobias Jackson
Associated Noble House(s) Earldom of Rotherham
Date of Birth 4th July 1776
Father Zachary Jackson
Father's Rank/Occupation Groom
Mother Mary Jackson nee Thatcher
Mother's Rank/Occupation
Town Residence Rotherham House
Occupation Groom/soldier-servant

Tobias 'Toby' Jackson is groom and soldier-servant to Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Fitzgerald, the commanding officer of the Fourteenth Light Dragoons. After the Colonel was injured while on patrol, Jackson accompanied him to the military hospital in Elvas, Portugal, then to Lisbon and thence to England with him.

Jackson is a soft-spoken hardy Yorkshireman from the Dales whose history prior to enlisting is somewhat of a mystery to everyone except himself. He carries more than a hint of steel in his character, but this is only shown when he or someone close to him is threatened - after the Colonel's accident, a surgeon threatened to remove his leg and Jackson posted himself at the door to the Colonel's room refusing to permit anyone past who was not prepared to make even an attempt to save the Colonel's leg. It is therefore due in no small part to Jackson that Robbie is recovering as well as he is, but Robbie does not know of it and Jackson has not spoken of it.