Eleanor Bartram

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Eleanor Bartram née Sothersby, portrayed by Charlotte Rampling (Unofficial; NPC)

Eleanor Bartram (1770-present) was born Miss Eleanor Sothersby. She was married to William Bartram, eldest son of the 13th Lord Bartram (1741-present) and his wife Sarah Bartram née Freye (1739-1800) until his death in 1805. They were childless, but happy together, being of like temperament.

Throughout her marriage to William, she was also sister-in-law to the her husband's younger siblings - the eccentric Honoria (1768-present) as well as the errant John Bartram (1763-1789) and his "unsuitable" wife Florentia Hartwell (1767-1798), who was a tailor's daughter. This makes her aunt to young John Silvanus Bartram (1785-present).

Upon her husband's death, she fell into a depression and took to travelling around Europe to ease her sorrows.