“The Opera of May 21, 1811”

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On May 21, 1811, an opera was performed at the King’s Theatre, Haymarket. Reports of the plot, themes, and language of the opera have varied among those in attendance. The performance of the singers was well received, though most of the audience found the plot incomprehensible.

Plot Kate Steele was under the impression it had been set in the Jacobean era, however she also reported seeing men in togas, who she assumed were Roman legionnaires, as well as a Gothic-looking tower as part of the set design. http://www.thelondonliferpg.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3633-red-hair-sir-in-my-opinion-is-dangerous/ Cora Smith believed it may have been in either French or Italian and the title may have been La-- Something or Other. http://www.thelondonliferpg.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3647-im-no-pair-of-dancing-shoes/&do=findComment&comment=50160 Ned Granville believed it to have been performed in Italian and he too noted Romans at a medieval castle. http://www.thelondonliferpg.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3539-past-the-point-of-no-return/&do=findComment&comment=50150

Edwina Abberley noted it was well-sung. http://www.thelondonliferpg.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3590-toast-tea-and-talk/&do=findComment&comment=50052 Cathy Sey