Rebecca Garrison

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Rebecca Garrison
Portrayed by Trini Alvarado
Full Name Rebecca Garrison
Associated Noble House(s) Marquessate of Pendleston
Date of Birth 20 August, 1783
Father Henry Garrison
Father's Rank/Occupation clergyman
Mother Louisa, Lady Selkirke, formerly Mrs. Garrison, nee Gordon
Mother's Rank/Occupation gentry
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Occupation governess

Rebecca Garrison has been governess to Penelope Grove for the past six years.


Father - Henry Garrison b. 1754 - d. 1784 (m. 1783)

Mother - Louisa, Lady Selkirke, formerly Mrs. Garrison, nee Gordon. b. 1764

NPC - In town for the season, with her daughters and husband.

Step-Father - Sir Rowan Selkirke, Bart., b. 1750 (m. 1786)

NPC - Rebecca will do anything to avoid encountering her stepfather. Which just became a little more difficult, as the Selkirkes have evidently come to town for the season.

Paternal Aunt - Rebecca Northcott, nee Garrison, b. 1763

NPC - Paternal aunt. Rebecca met her aunt's family quite recently, and likes them.

Uncle - Aldous Northcott, b. 1756


John Selkirke "Jack" b. 1787

NPC - Half-brother; not currently staying with his mother, father and sisters. Actually hasn't shown up yet, in any form.

Laura Selkirke b. 1790

NPC - Half-sister. Surprised her in Hyde Park, and indicated that she would shortly be joined by the rest of Rebecca's family, (also NPCs) who have evidently come down for the Season. Rebecca professes to love her family as she ought, but wishes she may see very little of them.

Catherine Selkirke "Cathy" b. 1794

NPC - Youngest half-sister, in London for the Season.


Henry Northcott b. 1782

Elizabeth Northcott "Bessie" b. 1791


Penelope Grove - Alright, so Penny's her charge in technical terms, but Rebecca would do anything to make her happy, and feels a sisterly affection for the girl, even stronger, perhaps, than her affection for her own immediate family. She has been Penny's governess for the past six years.

Benjamin Grove, Marquess of Pendleston - NPC - Her employer and a wonderful gentleman, Rebecca quietly dotes upon the Marquess.

Sir Phillip Vaudrey - met briefly in the park at Easter, though it was an all-around awkward encounter and no introductions were made. Later encountered Sir Phillip when the gentleman intervened on Rebecca's behalf as she was being bothered by an impertinent young rapscallion, whereupon he walked her home. Having conversed relatively pleasantly on this and subsequent occasions, they are becoming better friends, though Rebecca believes the gentleman is merely being kind and polite.


Philip Grove - NPC - Another of Penny's brothers, Rebecca has nothing ill to say of Philip.

Percy Grove - NPC - The youngest child, Rebecca is inclined to like the boy.

Basil Brett - sort of. He half-introduced himself amidst his babbling at St. George's, but Rebecca didn't pay it much mind, nor offer her name in return.

Claudia Morton - Met briefly upon the steps of St. George's. Rebecca felt rather awkward and wishes she had held her tongue, but Lady Worth did not seem to mind her less than reverent attitude.

Evander Whinging - Met him, along with Penelope, in a book shop. Is fairly indifferent to him.

Love Interests


Richard Lewis - NPC - ex-fiance.

Thomas Sterne - fiance.

Sir Rowan Selkirke - arguably responsible for the above two incidents and a whole lot more.