Patrizia Dell'Angelo

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Patrizia Dell'Angelo
Portrayed by Morena Baccarin
Full Name Patrizia Dell'Angelo
Associated Noble House(s) Viscountcy of Selwyn
Date of Birth 5th August 1783
Father Filippo Dell'Angelo
Father's Rank/Occupation owns a vineyard
Mother Alessandra Dell'Angelo
Mother's Rank/Occupation housewife
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Occupation opera singer

Patrizia is the second eldest of eight children. She was born in Tuscany, at her father's vineyard, some twenty miles from Florence. Having a fine singing voice from a young age, she had lessons paid for her at the recently established Conservatorio di Musica in Florence by the mayor of their local town. She gained a part in the opera chorus in 1800 and has been working her way up through the ranks since then. In 1809 she had her first real lead as the title role in Cherubini's Medea. Other roles she has performed include First Lady (Mozart's The Magic Flute), Euridice (Monteverdi's Orfeo) and Barbarina and Susanna (Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro). She will be performing Cleopatra in Handel's Giulio Cesare in May 1811.

In 1807 she met George Hackett who was on his Grand Tour. They became lovers and in 1808 their son Silvio Selwyn Dell'Angelo was born. George was obliged to return to England due to his father's ill health in February 1811 but he has promised to support their son's upkeep and education. Since his departure, Patrizia has moved back to her family home apart from when she has an opera on, so that her mother and sisters can always be on hand to look after her son.

Patrizia is a NPC belonging to Rose.