Henrietta Freye

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Henrietta Freye
Portrayed by Gwyneth Paltrow
Full Name Henrietta Freye
Associated Noble House(s) Earldom of Bridgeton Earldom of Rotherham
Date of Birth 25th November 1790
Father Simon Freye
Father's Rank Baronet
Mother Anna Freye
Mother's Rank Lady
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1808
Dowry £2000 (if she's lucky)

Miss Henrietta Freye is the only daughter of Sir Simon Freye and sister to Julian and Gregory. She is the great-grand-daughter of the fourth Earl of Bridgeton and niece of the Countess of Rotherham.

Henrietta made her debut in 1808 where she formed an attachment. However, before an engagement could be finalised, she was called back to the country due to the illness of her father. She is returning to town in 1811 for the first time since then and is staying with her aunt Mrs. Greystone in an effort to make a much needed match, due to the poor state of the family coffers. Henrietta is a shy and awkward girl who is uncomfortable in society and often appears younger than she is.

Henrietta is played by Caro.