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Revision as of 07:56, 9 June 2016 by Yeatshaw (talk | contribs)
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Portrayed by Japanese modern girl from a 1920s advertising litograph
Full Name I go by Isabelle online
Associated Noble House(s) a long line of selfish bastards
Date of Birth 10th July
Father Don't ask.
Father's Rank Accursed progenitor
Mother Mummy
Mother's Rank Queen of the House
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut That was so long ago, before I became decrepit
Dowry Books. Lots of books.

Yeatshaw believes the work grind belongs between the seventh and eighth circles of hell. Never is this belief stronger than when deadlines are brought forward, or when working under pressure. She is a former academician specialising in political philosophy, and is now a freelance editor of sorts.

Her health is generally indifferent due to various exotic ailments with long, odd, pseudo-Greek and Roman names that ought to be used in tongue twisters. However, she prefers to think of herself as sickly and cross, and uses this as an excuse to fortify herself regularly with tea. As a hardened tea drinker, she drinks a variety of Chinese and Japanese teas throughout her waking hours once she has had her usual industrial strength black tea (usually English breakfast or Darjeeling). She accepts bribes in chocolates and teas, especially when she's working. Approach her with a big pot of Earl Grey or pu-er when she's working and your toes may be spared.

When not reading, working, embroidering things of no beauty and little use, hunting for cheap lemons at the supermarket, counting calories of food she eats, or collecting stamps and coins, she enjoys complaining about the young, cheerful and perky. Her other hobbies include writing poetry; reading novels, cookery books and mysteries; staring at costumes from days of yore; sketching; traditional Chinese and ethnic Chinese minority dance; trying out styles that would keep her from sitting on her hair; harrumphing at people being people; and languishing elegantly in a robe on a chaise longue like a faux Heian aristocrat.

She currently plays Honoria Bartram.