Natalie Relmsey

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Natalie Relmsey
Portrayed by Rachel Hurd-Wood
Full Name Natalie Relmsey
Associated Noble House(s) Earldom of Griffith
Date of Birth 13th December 1793
Father Bernard Relmsey
Father's Rank Earl of Griffith
Mother Jemima Relmsey
Mother's Rank Countess of Griffith
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1812
Dowry -

Lady Natalie Relmsey is the youngest child of the Earl and Countess of Griffith. She is seventeen years old. Not yet out, she spends most of her free time pursuing her passion for botany. She is currently residing in Park Lane with her elder sister Daphne Werlington.

Natalie is played by Elinor.


  • The Earl of Griffith, Bernard Relmsey (Father)
  • The Countess of Griffith, Jemima Relmsey (Mother)
  • The Viscount of Torrington, Damien Relmsey (Brother)
  • The Duchess of Beaumont, Daphne Werlington (Sister)
  • Lord Theodore Relmsey (Brother)
  • Lord Vincent Relmsey (Brother)
  • Miss Annabelle Beacham (Cousin)


Lady Natalie Relmsey was born on a bright winter’s morning in December 1793, the youngest of five siblings. She led a happy childhood, spent mostly following her older siblings around and making a nuisance of herself, though with her wide smile and cheerful disposition she was generally looked on with affection by all - with the exception of the maids who had the task of getting the grass stains out of her muslin dresses.

As the youngest sibling, Nat soon found herself the only child left in the large countryside estate owned by her parents, as her brothers and sister started to fly the nest, for school and the season. She thrived on having her parents’ attention - and the sprawling garden - mostly to herself.

Displaying an aptitude for maths and sciences from an early age, Nat was educated by a tutor, an elderly gentleman named Gansey, engaged by her fondly bemused parents after months of pleading (and numerous plants dug up in the garden in the name of dubious 'experiments'). He inspired in her a love of biology; specifically, the science of botany which to this day remains her passion, and she has remained in written communication with him since her move to London. Her education is generally well rounded - though she found little interest in the humanities (history, literature, geography etc.) she tolerated them for fear that her parents would dismiss Gansey, but thanks to her sciences her Latin is excellent.

In preparation for her debut, Natalie has moved in with her sister Daphne and her family. To her surprise, she is enjoying London far more than she thought she would. Leaving home and her beloved country garden was hard, but living on Park Lane with her sister means she can practically see Hyde Park from her bedroom window, and that has started to make up for things a little. She is incredibly fond of her nephews and niece, and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t happy about spending time with her older sister, who she greatly missed after Daphne left home.

Not yet out, she is confident in making a good match once she starts the Season, with a good dowry and strong family connections. Though her interests generally run to the academic, much like most young girls her age, the idea of being out in society is terribly exciting.

Physical Appearance

Natalie stands at a neatly respectable 5’1” (though she hopes to gain maybe an inch or two more) with heavy, wavy brown hair and a smiling, open face that makes her appear younger than she is. She has a slender build, which belies her athletic, outdoorsy nature, and slightly calloused hands, which give it away entirely. She works extremely hard to avoid freckles - difficult, with her pale complexion - and is the proud owner of a rather eclectic array of sun hats.

Reading long scientific books in cramped, wonkily printed Latin has left her slightly near sighted, and when reading particularly difficult tomes she wears a pair of round, gold framed spectacles, which she is constantly pushing back up her upturned nose.


Nat is a sociable and engaging young girl, but she is never happier than when she is outdoors in nature. She’s just as likely to be found at afternoon tea with her sister as she is to be found crouching over the edge of the pond in Hyde Park with a magnifying glass, trying desperately not to let the hem of her dress catch in the pondweed.

Most of Nat’s preferred pastimes revolve around the outdoors, horse riding being a particular favourite, although her mother ensured that she had a working knowledge of traditional feminine skills, if not any actual great accomplishment in them. She can stitch a straight line and hold a tune tolerably, though she finds no great joy in either. Tangentially related to her scientific love of botany is an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the symbolic meaning of flowers, and an expert hand at flower arranging, which seemed to satisfy her mother.

She is academically minded and clever, however, she is finding it increasingly difficult to balance her studies with her social commitments, and she worries that one day - the day she is married - she will have to choose between them entirely. This is something that weighs heavily on her mind.

Thus, Nat has declared that she will only marry a man that she considers to be her intellectual equal, something that has caused many an eye to be rolled amongst those that know her. It would be fair to say that Nat has never truly wanted for anything in her life, and while she is not particularly cruel or shallow, she has certainly been spoiled and is more than a little snobbish. Not in a cultural sense, you understand - no, in an intellectual sense. Nat has gained somewhat of an elevated sense of self, frustrated both by those who don’t understand her passions and outright dismiss her, and those who do understand, but also dismiss her. She can come across as more than a little rude in these situations and as such, her manner is often seen as condescending to her peers





  • Sir Peregrine Bexley
    • A gentleman with whom she has been exchanging scientific correspondence. Once sent her a crate of citrus fruit. Not actually as old as she thinks he is.

Thread Tracking

Monday, May 13th

Tuesday, May 14th

  • 'Flowers of Youth': Natalie meets Miss Clare on a walk in Hyde Park. Nat tells her of her ambitions towards scientific study, before they run into Lady Rosanna and Miss Grenfell.
  • 'Tree-Top Travails': Mr Evander Whinging is found by Natalie, stuck in a tree in Hyde Park.

Friday, May 17th

  • 'The Wind of Heaven': Natalie meets Lady Elizabeth Dunford whilst out riding in Hyde Park.