Roxanne Harpole

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Roxanne Harpole
Portrayed by (Lena Headey)
Full Name Roxanne, Lady Edmund Harpole née Roydon
Associated Noble House(s) Duchy of Leicester, Earldom of Wyck
Date of Birth 1780
Father - Roydon
Father's Rank -
Mother -
Mother's Rank -
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1797
Dowry £20,000
Year of Marriage 1797
Spouse Edmund Harpole
Spouse's Rank Admiral
Issue various

Lady Edmund Harpole is a formidable lady in society, married to the highly successful Admiral Lord Edmund Harpole, younger brother of the Duke of Leicester. She has several children and is also responsible for the upbringing of Mary Harpole, her husband's illegitimate niece and, though unproven, her own cousin through her Roydon background.

Since the Admiral is often at sea, Lady Edmund leads a relatively independent life and runs her husband's estate and family in his absence.

Roxanne is an NPC created by Rose and played by Loki.