Piers Grenfell

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Piers Grenfell
Portrayed by Billy Zane (unofficially, NPC)
Full Name Jonathan William Reynell
Associated Noble House(s) Barony of de Grave
Date of Birth 1785
Father George Grenfell
Father's Rank Baron de Grave
Mother Caroline Grenfell
Mother's Rank Baroness de Grave
Town Residence de Grave House
School Winchester
University {{{university}}}

Piers Grey Grenfell is the third son of the late 16th Baron de Grave, brother to each of the 17th and 18th Barons de Grave and uncle of the current and 19th Baron de Grave.

He survives his two older brother and has one younger sister, Sybilla Grenfell. He has two sisters in law by virtue of the marriages of his late brothers: Sophronia Grenfell and Matilda Grenfell, the current baroness.