Alexander Trevethyn

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Alexander Trevethyn
Portrayed by placeholder (former character)
Full Name Alexander Trevethyn
Associated Noble House(s) Viscountcy of Brenchley
Date of Birth 1783
Father Jolyon Trevethyn
Father's Rank Viscount Brenchley
Mother Catherine Trevethyn
Mother's Rank Viscountess Trevethyn
Town Residence ?
School Eton
University Oxford
Profession ?

Alexander Trevethyn is a former character created and played by Cosmo


  • Father: Jolyon Trevethyn, Viscount Brenchley, b. 1755, d. 1805.
  • Mother: Catherine Trevethyn, Dowager Viscountess Brenchley
  • Brothers: Evelyn Trevethyn, Viscount Brenchly, b. 1782, d. 1810; Mr. George Trevethyn b. 1785
  • Sister: Lady Emmeline Whitstone, the Countess of Ferrers, b. 1789
  • Sister-in-Law: Lady Mireille Trevethyn Viscountess Brenchley, b. 1787
  • Nephew: Stacey Alexander Trevethyn, Viscount Brenchley, b. 1807
  • Niece: Miss Priscilla Claire Trevethyn, b. 1809


Alexander was born a second son to a Viscount. His upbringing was unexceptional and he was not the heir so he was not forced to behave in the way his older brother Evelyn had been. Therefore he had not the reason to rebel and act out the way that his brother had. He was looked at as the steady one. He attended Eton and Oxford and did very well in academics but not anything spectacular.

When he finished at University he was told that he should perhaps, find an occupation. His father the Viscount was concerned that a young man with out occupation would become idle and get into all sorts of scrapes and mischief. He considered the clergy, and he considered the navy or army, but he could not persuade himself that he should like to follow orders or give sermons. He decided that there was plenty of time to buy himself into the Navy if he changed his mind. Besides he was well able to keep himself out of trouble.

After their father died Alexander’s brother had gone on a voyage to the West Indies to see to business on their father’s plantations. The near certainty abolition of the slave trade was certain to cause problems and the new Viscount thought it important to see that things were secure. Unfortunately for Alexander his dear brother did more than manage his estates. He shocked his family by marrying a mulatto native.

Alexander could not believe that Evelyn would do such a thing. His mother was rightly upset by this event and forcefully pressed upon Alexander that he was not to follow his brother’s example and she was extremely watchful of the company he was keeping. After a few years of hearing the always negative critique of every lady he was heard to have danced with or even said hello to he had decided to find a wife and get married to have his parents leave him alone. Then came the news of the tragic death of the Viscount. Needless to say Alexander’s matrimonial plans were put on hold.

Now as the time has come for him to resume his search for an eligible lady to wed, Alexander’s sister in law the mulatto Viscountess had descended upon the Ton at the request of his mother so that Alexander may guide the young Viscount in his path to high social standards.