Harry Watson

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Harry Watson
Portrayed by (Chiwetel Ejiofor)
Full Name Harry Watson
Associated Noble House(s) Dukedom of Leicester
Date of Birth 1772
Father's Rank/Occupation
Mother's Rank/Occupation
Town Residence The Albany, Piccadilly
Occupation Soldier-servant to Lord Frank Harpole

Harry Watson has been the soldier-servant of Lord Frank Harpole for eight years while Frank remained in the military. He proved himself not only a loyal officer, but a brave man and a good companion with laid-back sense of humour and the ability to remain in a crisis. Watson's good sense has kept Frank out of scrapes on many occasions. He is discreet and can play the part of servant or bodyguard as needed. Once Frank officially left the army in 1810, Watson accompanied him, apparently as his valet but in reality he remains in Frank's confidence and is always on guard for a new adventure.

Watson is a crack shot and perfectly capable of knocking heads together as well when needed. He is invaluable in a mill and has a decent understanding of setting wounds, learned on the job.

Watson is a NPC belonging to Rose.