Edmund Harpole

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Edmund Harpole
Portrayed by (Toby Stephens)
Full Name Admiral Lord Edmund Harpole
Date of Birth 1772
Father James, Duke of Leicester
Mother Adelaide, Duchess of Leicester
Town Residence
Branch of the Military Navy
Ship or Regiment
Currently Enlisted? Yes
Enlistment Date 1785
Current or Final Rank (if retired) Admiral
Major Engagements -

Admiral Lord Edmund Harpole is the ambitious younger brother of the Duke of Leicester and older brother of Lord Frank Harpole. He joined the Navy at the age of thirteen and rose to the rank of Admiral. Since 1797, he has been married to Roxanne Roydon with whom he has several children. He also stands in loco parentis to his illegitimate niece, Mary Harpole, whom he is claiming is a poor, orphaned cousin. He is very rarely back in England, preferring life at sea and leaving his wife to manage his estates and family.

Edmund is a NPC belonging to Rose and can't be played because he is not in London.