Simon Blackmoor

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Simon Blackmoor
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Full Name Simon Thomas Blackmoor
Title {{{title}}}
Associated Noble House(s) None
Date of Birth 2nd February 1785
Father Thomas Blackmoor
Father's Rank Barrister
Mother Lilian Blackmoor
Mother's Rank Singer
Town Residence Holborn
University Oxford

Simon Blackmoor is a former character played by Eunoia.


Thomas Blackmoor Barrister b. 1753

Lilian Blackmoor Singer b. 1761

Edwin Blackmoor To-Be Physician b. 1783


Son of the respected attorney Thomas Blackmoor, Simon Blackmoor was born and raised on the charming streets of Cheapside, London. His mother, Lilian, recently became mostly retired from her life as a stage performer. Having emerged from an upper class family, Lilian had no need for a profession, but her passion and talent for singing brought her to the stage anyway. His older brother, Edwin, took to his father's doctrine of serious practice, social reputation, and earning a decent income, and since his youngest days maintained an attitude of studiousness with the intention of becoming a physician. Simon's relationship with his father is somewhat strained due to his choice of career, and he has never felt particularly close to his brother. His mother, however, has always adored him, and he her.

Simon has been ever the troublemaker since his seventh birthday, strayed from his father's hand, and became far more intrigued with literature, poetry, and drama. This his mother applauded, while his father approved the interests as passive hobbies but adamantly saw no reputable employment there. But Simon, a deep romantic with a hunger for knowledge and a pressing interest in the arts and politics, dropped out of Oxford after his third year of studying the Classics, much to the chagrin of his father, and spent his days self-educating, drinking, flirting, and writing. Generally popular, he managed to make friends with some members of the upper class, one of whom decided to produce one of his first theatrical plays when Simon was 23. The work was more popular and critically received better than anyone involved imagined it would be, and from there, Simon's career as a playwright took off.

He began writing short pieces for the stage that were politically satirical and socially critical and were shown in theaters alongside a myriad of other programs, until finally he began writing longer works. Over time, he began to live off of his writing. His works became gradually more popular, until he eventually began making a more than comfortable living by it. His plays have become rather popular with the upper classes, and have been rising in acclaim and touring with known theater companies.

Simon speaks some French, which he loves to practice -- having left Oxford somewhat early, he never quite got to the level of fluency that he would like to, and continues to study the language on his own.

He currently lives in Holborn, in a modest but charming home, working on his newest production and hoping to create the next great English stage play.