Margaret Channing

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Margaret Channing
Portrayed by Placeholder; former character
Full Name Margaret Channing
Associated Noble House(s) Dukedom of Connacht
Date of Birth June 6th 1794
Father Charles Canning
Father's Rank Duke of Connacht
Mother Mary Channing
Mother's Rank Duchess of Connacht
Town Residence ?
Year of Debut 1811
Dowry ?

Margaret Channing is a former character created by Lark.


  • Father: Duke of Connacht, Charles Channing born on October 23rd, 1751. [60]
  • Mother: Duchess of Connacht, Mary Channing born April 5th, 1771 [40]
  • Brothers:
    • Patrick, Marquess of Connacht born July 9th, 1786 [25]
    • Lord Derek Channing born August 30th, 1790 [21]
    • Lord Robert Channing born December 12th, 1792 [19]


Margaret was born quietly (as she would remain for the rest of her 17 years it seems) in the cool of early morning June. She then grew up in the seclusion of their manor located in Athenry in Connacht. It was a relatively quiet village (her family tended to stay out of the drama that is the aristocracy) and there Margaret spent most of her time on quiet walks through the huge forests surrounding the manor. Being the 4th child, and a girl to boot, she oft was not missed if she happened to slip away for the day and spent most of her time therefore in the woods. She didn't cause trouble, she would simply sit and absorb the beauty of the woods.

Her mother, however, had other plans. Mary had been a high-standing, aristocratic, belle of the ball sort of Lady. And on one of the few times Charles had traveled to London (to attend to business that was necessary) he fell in love at first sight. Mary, seeing her opportunity to move up in the world, married him. However she had not expected to be whisked away to a quiet lonely manor in the middle of the woods. Therefore, Mary was always planning parties and galas and get-togethers, there were always guests around, and Mary was constantly urging Margaret to be more social. She would dress the girl up in the most gaudy bright dresses (which did not suit the lithe girl well at all) and attempt to parade her around. Margaret (when extremely little) would run away and hide under the table, but later would simply look like a deer in headlights, wide-eyed and completely caught off guard.

Eventually though, the quiet little girl grew up into a beautiful, but rather mysterious and quiet young woman. And the requests for marriage did not start pouring in as they had when Mary was growing up. And so she waited, and waited, and waited (Mary was married at age 15 to a man 20 years older than herself). At age 17 Mary finally could not stand it any more; she refused to have her daughter grow up to be an old maid. It would shame the entire family. And so she had packed her daughter up (who had only been outside their manor in Athenry once) and shipped her off to London for the Haute Ton (with her old nanny as a chaperone of course). Her mothers orders were to not come back until she had a ring on her finger.