Louis Le Chat Soleil

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Portrayed by
Full Name Louis Le Chat Soleil
Associated Noble House(s) Comté d'Aubin
Date of Birth 5th July 1806
Father Unknown
Father's Rank Local Tom
Mother Ginger
Mother's Rank Champion Mouser
Town Residence 30 Grosvenor Street
School {{{school}}}
University {{{university}}}
Profession {{{prof}}}

Louis Le Chat Soleil is a bad-tempered tortoiseshell cat belong to Lunete d'Aubin. He is very much a one-human cat. He is loyal to Lunete and will submit to being petted and held by her, often expressing genuine affection. However, he is not interested in sharing. Other humans are treated to disdain if not outright hostility and efforts to fraternise with Louis are met with occasionally violent rebuffs. Louis is a cat who knows his place and that he is in charge. Lunete is perfectly ridiculously fond of him and he has accompanied her to London. He has been recently putting on some weight, no doubt the result of an indolent life of pleasure and too many treats.

As of May 22, it has been discovered that Louis is not a chat but a chatte, and became fat because she was, in fact, expecting. She was delivered of four healthy kittens that evening, which was deemed more important than Lady Lunete's attendance at Almack's.

Louis is an NPC created by Rose.