Benedick Montgomery

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Benedick Montgomery
Portrayed by Jared Harris (unofficially, NPC)
Full Name Benedick Montgomery
Associated Noble House(s) Marquessate of Eastborough, Earldom of Alderhan
Date of Birth 1765
Father Rawdon Montgomery II
Father's Rank Marquess of Eastborough
Mother Julianne Montgomery
Mother's Rank Marchioness of Eastborough
Town Residence Winchester
Branch of the Military Royal Navy
Ship or Regiment N/A
Currently Enlisted? Recovering on half-pay
Enlistment Date 1780
Current or Final Rank (if retired) Rear Admiral of the Red
Major Engagements The Nile, Copenhagen, San Domingo, Grand Port
Lord Benedick Montgomery by Sir Thomas Lawrence, c. 1800

Rear Admiral Lord Benedick Montgomery is the third son of Rawdon Montgomery II, the late Marquess of Eastborough. He is unmarried and currently residing at his home in Winchester, recovering following the disastrous events at Grand Port.

He is what we might call a "confirmed bachelor".

Benedick is part of the Montgomery Family. He is an NPC created by Ellie.
