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Revision as of 07:10, 21 May 2020 by Sarah (talk | contribs)
Portrayed by a bunny
Full Name Sarah Rose
Associated Noble House(s) Pedantry
Date of Birth 31st May
Father Dad
Father's Rank something to do with the law
Mother My Lady Mother
Mother's Rank Scottish
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 2008
Dowry A ridiculous number of books and a hoarde of Harry Potter and Disney trivia.

Sarah is 29 years old, with English, Scottish and a little bit of Irish ancestry. She has a BA and Masters in English Literature and works as the Marketing Executive for a small independent publisher. She is also a massive nerd who wrote her BA dissertation on Anglo-Saxon and Norse mythology in Lord of the Rings and took her Masters just so she could study more Shakespeare. In her spare time she enjoys cross-stitching, writing fanfic, playing video games and Dungeons and Dragons, and coming up with lots of ideas for new characters.


  • Edmund Granville: A Cornish lawyer and unexpected heir to the Granville baronetcy who is the definition of nice.
  • Amelia Harcourt: A partially deaf musician returned to London after five years who is afraid of falling in love.
  • Raphael Colborne: The charming second son of the Duke of Rothbury, who is concealed behind seven fabricated personalities.
  • Margaret Colborne: The only daughter of the Duke of Rothbury and Raphael's younger sister, who would always rather be doing complicated equations.
  • Sebastian Colborne: The heir to the Dukedom of Rothbury, slowly healing from a broken heart.
  • Felicity Osgood: Youngest child of the Duke of Osgood, who believes fairytales really do come true.
  • Philippa Shaw: Wife of the Reverend Robert Shaw, who thinks arguing is a way of showing affection.
  • Bethany Ingram: A sharp-tongued companion determined to escape her fate by marrying well

Along with various related NPCs.

Areas of Expertise

Happy to help wherever possible, but in particular knows about:

  • Literature, especially between 1550 and 1700 (i.e. Shakespeare) but most other periods as well
  • British history, particularly related to the monarchy or the Wars of the Roses and the Tudors
  • Cross stitching and embroidery
  • Arthurian Legend
  • Harry Potter
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Disney films
  • Dungeons and Dragons

Why you might need to know about the last four for a Regency RP, who knows, but hey - just in case!