Patrick Grove

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Patrick Grove is the eldest son of Benjamin Grove and first in line to the title Marquess of Pendleston. He is brother to Percy Grove, Phillip Grove, and Penelope Grove. He's a nice chap.


The first born male, Patrick is everything his father ever dreamed of in a son. As a child, Patrick quickly became the leader of the Grove clan, always the instigator of tricks and the director of games. He grew like a weed, and soon he had not only his boisterous personality, but his height and strength to boss his siblings around with as well. As the children grew from youthful adolescence to pubescent pre-adulthood, each began to develop sustainable personalities and relationships with one another. Patrick soon found he had a shadow called Philip. His younger brother had always been a bit of a follower as a small child, but nothing to the extreme of what it became through their later childhood years. Philip refused to leave his brother's side at any social event, and couldn't do a thing without first asking Patrick's opinion on it. Although he loved his brother, Patrick had become quite sick of his neediness by the time he left for school at age thirteen.

Stripped of his brother's dependence upon him, Patrick started his schooling at Harrow and finished at Oxford. He was never very good at his school work, though he was not a terrible dunce. He excelled in mathematics, but thought all other subjects rather dull. He never found himself to be a great reader, and was continually puzzled by his sister's letters containing raves about this book or that essay. He simply could not and still cannot understand it.

Patrick was not extremely close to his mother, he was indeed much closer to his father. Still, he loved his mother profoundly, and was no less devastated by her death. At this tragedy the family seemed to turn to him for consolation, since his father and sister were both in deep despair. He took this sad recourse in stride, and has since been seen in the eyes of the family as the head of the house, though the Marquess is still alive.

Without his family's knowledge of it, Patrick has come to London unannounced. His joining them, he claims, is to give his father and sister a good surprise. Of course, this is not entirely the case. Patrick has found that whilst spending some time in Suffolk at an old school friend's country estate, he had unknowingly made said friend's sister fall in love with him, or so she stated in her ridiculous love letter. Upon receiving this letter and reading it's contents, Patrick realized that the situation could get rather sticky if he did not leave and relieve himself of the possibility of being tricked into a marriage. He swiftly took his leave, telling his friend that he felt the need to visit his family in London.

Nice Lookin Guy, eh?

Patrick is quite a large man, tall and burly. He has a brutish kind of beauty about him, for although he is rather thickset, he is almost entirely muscle and quite powerful. His skin is smooth, but often covered by a slight scruff. His coloring is that of the Grove family. Hair a dark brunette, nearly black, which would be extremely curly if he did not crop it short. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue, rimmed with dark long lashes that are often the envy of young ladies. He has an odd way of moving his mouth when he speaks, almost as if his lips can't keep up with his words, and he has a sweet, large smile that doesn't quite match the rest of his brawny look, but is welcome in the midst of all the bristles.

Partayyy Animaaaal

On the whole, the Grove family is a quiet, calm, level-headed group of people. Patrick is not.

Boisterous and opinionated, Patrick is not one to sit alone in a corner when there's a party or ball to attend. He likes to socialize. He likes to talk. He enjoys the company of others much more than the company of himself. He's one who is always up for a dance or a round of cards, no matter who is to be his companion. Like his sister, Patrick is not one to judge quickly. He likes people, and tries hard to give each a chance to prove their worthiness as a friend and benefactor.

Although he has his own mind and spreads his thoughts quite avidly, Patrick does not like arguments. In fact, he quite hates them. As a small child, he would have to the leave the room when his parents' disagreements became intense quarrels. At school he would have to stop himself from making a fool of himself and crying when he was chastised for losing this or forgetting that. He dislikes the feeling of being disliked, and therefore tries very hard to be charming and likable.

Though inside he's quite sensitive to anger, he would never, ever show it. Patrick is an 'all man's' man. He likes to hunt and shoot things, he loves to gamble and drink. The only thing he'd never been too keen on was the company of women. Now, don't get confused, Patrick likes women. He just doesn't like various cheap women.

Patrick has never been a ladies man. That is, he's never thought so. He's in fact quite oblivious to the fact that he's handsome and that his ignorance of this often makes him even more enticing. He is not one for deliberate flirtation, for he is friendly to everyone. He has yet to find a woman up to his standards. He really isn't the romantic type, just like his sister and very unlike his father. But, he is the type who wants to find someone to be his best friend and constant ally. And, as he his character affirms, he would be the most loyal and loving of husbands.

Although he is quite kind-hearted, Patrick is a very proud man. He thinks highly of his position and family, and has high expectations for others in his social circle. Those below him, of course, he can forgive for their behavior, if it should be less than genteel. But those at his level, well, they better keep up with the times.

As well as being proud, Patrick is a leader, and has a leader's qualities both good and bad. He can be condescending, and he can be high-handed, but he is also very likable and has a powerful presence that fills a room. He is easy to respect, for he doesn't pawn for it, but wishes for people to give it freely so he can return it. Above all, Patrick finds his opinion to be quite possibly the only one that matters. In short, he is bossy. He gives his feelings swiftly and without much thought, and is used to people doing as he says. Not liking confrontation, he does not like being spoken back to. He has many faults, but overall his intentions are for the best.