Steele House

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Located at 10 N. Audley Street in Mayfair, Steele House is one of the secondary London residences owned by the Steele family. It is currently inhabited by the late earl's widow. Closed up since at least 1800, it is currently being refurbished floor by floor according to the countess' taste. The ground, first, and second floors have all been reopened and redecorated. The third and fourth floors remain largely shut up, sheets over furniture and windows shuttered.

The Morning Room

Morning Room Wallpaper

The first floor morning room is one of Lady Carrington's favorite rooms. Featuring imported Swedish furniture in the Gustavian style, many indoor plants, and a green and white wallpaper with an avian pattern. It also features pomona green silk drapes. It is this room where Kate entertains the majority of her guests.
