Evander Whinging

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Evander Whinging
Portrayed by Eddie Redmayne
Full Name Evander Henry Whinging
Title N/A
Associated Noble House(s) N/A
Date of Birth 24 December 1792
Father Henry Whinging
Father's Rank Barrister
Mother ?
Mother's Rank N/A
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
School {{{school}}}
University {{{university}}}
Profession Poet
Income £80 advance for latest collection

Evander Whinging was born 24 December 1791 to an unknown woman who arrived a fortnight before Christmas to the Dorchester, Dorset house of Henry Whinging, a barrister of good standing. Despite the scandalous circumstances of his birth which were augmented by the woman's departure soon afterwards, he was brought up as if he were Mr Whinging's legitimate son. He exhibited great intelligence and curiosity very early in life and developed a fondness for literature and the classics. Despite his cleverness, he has never been able to be at ease in society and remains awkward and tongue-tied in company to this day. He grew to love poetry especially and began composing in childhood, though he never shared his efforts. Although Mr Whinging encouraged him to test for university, he decided to stay in Dorchester to advance his studies with Jonathan Sellers, a retired Cambridge scholar.

When Mr Sellers became ill in 1809, Evander gifted him a poem which so moved his tutor he was made to promise that he would publish it in a journal after the old man's death. Upon receiving the poem, a publishing house decided to issue a collection of his poetry. The success of the slim book created a demand for more and within a year he had three volumes out under his name: Songs for a Different Boy, Musings Beneath the Old Tree, and Morals for a Different Boy.

The literary success Evander has attained is genuinely bewildering to him and perhaps he would not have travelled to London if not for a letter from the Duchess of Pennington, who invited him to her home and offered to become his patroness. He accepted and arrived in London on 11 April 1811 and quickly discovered that the Duchess was expecting a much more urbane man. He continues to be slightly disappointed that she finds him so displeasing but after that first fortnight he has become increasingly acclimatised to his new life, though he is still nervous and overawed by the haut ton and their ways. He is naïve and can be unbelievably optimistic sometimes: for example, has made the acquaintance of Dominic Hissop, likes him very much, and holds out hope that he may in time be accepted by the Duchess. He is a dreamer through and through.

Evander is played by Casey.