Sarah Bartram

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Sarah Bartram, Lady Bartram, during her coming out, portrayed by Ingrid Bergman

Sarah, Lady Bartram, was born Sarah Henriette Freye in 1739. As the younger sister of Sir James Freye (1721-1788) and she was consequently aunt to his children - Mrs Dorothy Greystone, Sir Simon Freye, Lady Rotherham.

She came out in 1758 and married Peregrine Bartram (1741-present) the following year. By the time her husband succeeded to the Bartram barony in 1761, she had given birth to their eldest son, William (1761-1805). He was followed by John (1763-1789) and Honoria (1768-present).

She died in 1800, after a short illness, never learning of the existence of her grandson, John Silvanus Bartram (1785-present).