Cynthia Wynter

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Cynthia Wynter
Married woman portrait.jpg
Portrayed by Snowy, a former player.
Full Name Cynthia Anna Marie Wynter (née Curtis)
Associated Noble House(s) Viscountcy of Whitleaf
Date of Birth 18th of October in the year 1783
Father Maxwell Curtis
Father's Rank 7th Duke of Edencourt
Mother Elaine Curtis (née Minton)
Mother's Rank Dowager Duchess of Edencourt
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut
Year of Marriage
Spouse Colin Wynter, Lord Whitleaf
Spouse's Rank Viscount
Issue James Whitleaf

Cynthia Wynter is the current Viscountess of Whitleaf, and a retired character.Cynthia was played by Snowy


  • Husband: Colin Wynter, Viscount Whitleaf, b. March 1780
  • Son: James Wynter, b. September 1805
  • Sister: Tabitha Symon (née Curtis), Countess of Monteith, b. August 1781
  • Brother: Raphael Curtis, 8th Duke of Edencourt, b. May 1785
  • Brother-in-law: Marcus Symon, Earl of Monteith, b. January 1774
  • Niece: Thea Symon, b. February 1801
  • Nephew: Christopher Symon, b. March 1805


Although Cynthia was not the expected and sought-for heir, she was nevertheless welcomed with much enthusiasm and doted on for two years until her position was usurped by a baby brother. A little jealous that the new baby took all the attention away from her, Cynthia was a bit withdrawn from the subsequent celebration. That changed when Raphael learned to crawl, the little baby had latched onto her person. Amusement and flattery at the baby's attention won over her petty little jealousy and Cynthia became fond of her brother.

As a child she had preferred the company of her brother and father rather than her sister and mother, though she loved them all very much. She would much rather do the activities her father planned instead of learning to embroider and play the pianoforte, a reason why she was never good with a needle and she had trouble with the musical instrument. She enjoys reading so much that her favorite part of the house is usually the library.

By the time she was of age, Tabitha had already been married and her mother had focused most of her match-making on Cynthia. Unlike her sister who was already betrothed and married by the end of her first season Cynthia was still a debutante though it was not for the lack of offers. Cynthia wasn't convinced that she should marry just anyone.

By her second season she met Colin. Though their marriage by the end of the Season was a love-match, Colin hadn't fallen in love with Cynthia at first sight like she did. They became good friends and while Cynthia was a patient person, Colin's declaration of not marrying made her realize that she needed to move on. She entertained more of her fair share of suitors and saw less of Colin, hoping that the more distance she placed between them the better. That triggered a reaction she wasn't quite expecting, Colin began to pay more attention to her. Finally he proposed(complete with the declaration of love) and she happily answered. They were married five months after.

She was in wedded bliss for the next months, she settled in Sidley House, her new home. The summer of 1803 brought on terrible news; her father died. Everyone rushed back to the ducal seat, Edencourt Park. She stayed there for a week. She spent her mourning period at Sidley House and at the Monteith's country residence at Somerset.

When she was done with her mourning Cynthia entered society as a married woman and began to attend and host a series of parties, soirees and dinners. Though once she found out she was pregnant Colin had removed her from London and placed her back in Sidley House. She gave birth to a baby boy, later named James Anthony.

Physical Description

Cynthia is the shortest of the three Curtis sibling at the height of 5'3. She has strong features; a slim nose, high cheekbones and finely shaped lips set on creamy skin. She inherited her mother's luxurious honey blond hair which is slightly curly and her father's green eyes.

She is often garbed in the latest fashions and jewelries of high quality, her hair is usually in intricate styles piled on top of her head. She is very enamored of shoes and owns a large collection of them, she has yet to wear all the pairs.

While it is said that Tabitha is considered the prettier of the two, Cynthia often shines brighter than her sister with her ready smiles, exhibiting her straight white teeth.


Cynthia is a bit philosophical, she believes that no one is fully good or evil, that everyone has a bit of both. She also believes that life should be enjoyed to the fullest and so she does. She likes basking in attention and is eager to please people for the appreciation and complements that come with it. Though Cynthia is quick to get jealous it usually doesn't last or grow and it usually lack the malice.

Cynthia is loyal to fault. Often very trusting and believes that people deserve second chances. This traits seems to make other people think that she is naive, which she is not. She has a stubborn streak and isn't easily swayed from any goal she has in mind.

As opposed to her horrible skills at sewing and the pianoforte, Cynthia has a wonderful voice, unfortunately she only sings when alone or in the company of her family(and sometimes very close friends). She loves sparring verbally with her husband and siblings and she often has a quip to add when she is conversing with friends. She loves shopping; from clothes to books to furniture for Sidley House or Whitleaf House. Cynthia is also very dedicated to her family.

Cynthia is something of a closet romantic. She cannot resist a good love story and is almost as bad as her mother with all her match-making (though it is always done with good intention) and is often label nosy by her husband and brother. As a debutante, she has always placed admirers at arms length and never, ever let them take any sort of advantage, which must be why men had often seen her as a challenge before she was married and had flocked to her. As a married woman, she is very loving and close to her husband and is opposed to the Ton's idea of discreet liaisons after marriage