James Osbourne

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James Osbourne
Portrayed by Douglas Booth
Full Name James Howard Augustus Osbourne
Title Mr Osbourne
Associated Noble House(s) none
Date of Birth 21 December 1789
Father Howard Osbourne, b. 1745 d. 1810
Father's Rank Gentleman
Mother Helen Osbourne, b. 1768, d. 1800
Mother's Rank Lady
Town Residence 18 Russell Square
School none
University Oxford

James Osborne is the elder brother, by a few minutes of Diana Osbourne. He and his sister have recently come to London having spent six months in mourning for their father.

James Osborne is played by Emily


James is a strange mixture of the attractive and the repulsive. He is selfish, vain, self-absorbed, and reckless, with a near-complete lack of concern for the feelings and well-being of those he considers beneath him--if he considers them, at all. Well-schooled in society manners, he is not overtly atrocious in company, and even as charming, warm and witty as anyone could desire. James can choose to make himself entirely agreeable as it suits him to feel he is well-liked, and even adored.

Passionate in his tastes and opinions, he is not given to doing things by halves, and yet for all this he has the innate laziness of an over-indulged young man, and so if he is at all disinclined to pursue a certain venture, will find a way to talk himself out of it, and some excuse to offer up to others. He has not found any one thing truly worth the effort of total perseverance, as yet.

When he wants something, however, James can be fervently devoted and single-minded in pursuing it, giving him an unwonted aspect of seriousness. Given the general frivolity of his pursuits, however, this is rare, and rather than face total denial, he will generally nurse a feeling of resentment that eventually lead him to believe he never really wanted anything to do with what-have-you, in the first place.

The right marriage might make much of James. His devotion is unquestionable, only very seldom given. His notions, however, of what he might require in a wife, and what might be good for him in a wife, likely differ wildly. Truthfully, he has not thought deeply on marriage, as yet. Having only just come to London, he has no plans to lose his head over a pretty face, when there are so many pretty faces. He is still young, and reasons that he has plenty of time before there might be any 'necessity' of settling down to such domestic strife as plagued his parents, if indeed there ever IS any necessity. His sister is the heiress to the family fortunes, after him, and that suits James perfectly.


  • He and his sister have rented a house in Russell Square for the Season
  • He is a member of Boodle's