Oscar Moncrieff

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Oscar Moncrieff
Portrayed by Ralph Fiennes
Full Name Oscar Randall Moncrieff
Title Marquess of Avening
Associated Noble House(s) Marquessate of Avening
Date of Birth November 30, 1774
Father Roland Moncrieff (deceased)
Father's Rank Marquess of Avening
Mother Amelia Moncrieff (deceased)
Mother's Rank Marchioness of Avening
Town Residence Avening House, 18 Hanover Square
Income £
School Westminster
University Cambridge (Trinity College)
Year Attained Title 1803

Oscar is a quiet man. He prefers mild enjoyments to the more extreme ones. He believes in the efficiency of all that is traditional, reasoning that they would not have existed if they were not necessary. He has an abundant of curious stories to tell from his many travels. He likes to recognize himself as a patron of arts, having ordered many portraits and landscapes to be painted for him by the usually less known and poorer artists. He tends to be rather lethargic and takes much more enjoyment in spending an evening half-daydreaming and half-reading, rather than attending gatherings or public recreation centers.

His current protege is the painter, Basil Brett.

Oscar Moncrieff is a former character played by Aida


Father: Roland Moncrieff, the 4th Marquess of Avening - Born 1742, deceased.
Mother: Amelia Moncrieff (nee Norton), Marchioness of Avening - Born 1750, deceased.
Sister: Mariah Holmes (nee Moncrieff), Countess of Richford - Born 1770 (married to Cedric Holmes, Earl of Richford).
Sister: Gwendolyn Moncrieff - Born 1790.

Ward: Eleanor Clare

Cousin: Frederick Moncrieff


Oscar had a quiet and unadventurous life throughout his childhood and adolescence, that is until at eighteen he fell in love with the daughter of an Earl who was a close friend of his father’s. The first couple of months since this realization – which was kept a secret from the couple’s families – passed in utter bliss, while he secretively rode the distance between their mansions early each morning only to see his beloved’s warm smile from behind her foggy window. However, when he finally confided his interest in marrying the girl to his parents, it became apparent to him that such a thing could not be possible, due to some existing complications, and this impossibility was soon fortified when his beloved married another man.

After the failure in his love affair Oscar attended Durham University, yet upon graduation he did not see the motivation in himself to pursue a serious career, so he began travelling around the world and spent about six years away from his homeland, until he decided that it was time to return. Upon his return, however, he did not seek to mingle with the ton and went straight back to his family estate in Essex, passing his days in poetry writing, reading and debating with his small circle of friends, until an accident occurred which made him even more of a recluse. One morning when riding a new, rather reckless horse, he fell and broke his leg. Although his injury was attended to, his leg never fully healed and since then he slightly limps. To subdue the pain of his broken leg, he started taking laudanum and soon became addicted to it, also finding in it a means to forget bitter memories.

It was merely a year ago, when his younger sister received her first marriage proposal, that the need to create a family of his own finally appeared as inevitable to him – if only because he wants to make sure that someone is in charge of his household before his sister eventually leaves to attend to her own. Now he has returned to London after some years to look for a proper bride, who doesn’t have to be very rich, but should have the skills that are needed in a good wife and preferably a mildly pretty face.




Past Love Interests

Persons to avoid