Character Statistics

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Updated as of 20/08/16.

General Stats

Total Characters: 122
Total Males: 55
Total Female: 67

Social Status Stats

The rank of a character is determined by their own rank, if male, or their father or husband's rank, if female. Younger sons are considered by their profession if they have one, otherwise by their father's rank. The younger sons of Dukes and Marquesses are automatically counted as nobility, due to their possession of a courtesy title. If a character has a current profession which takes them out of their status otherwise, then they are counted under that profession.


A noble is defined as a man who owns a peerage and his immediate family.

Total Nobility: 76
Total Male Nobility: 30
Total Female Nobility: 46

Dukes: 6, 5
Marquesses: 5, 8*
Earls: 9, 15
Viscounts: 3, 7
Barons: 7, 11

  • Elise Hampton is included in this category as an adopted member of the Pritchard family.


A member of the gentry is defined as a man who does not work for his living but has acquired wealth from land and owns a country estate and his immediate family.

Total Gentry: 24
Total Male Gentry: 11
Total Female Gentry: 13

Baronets: 7, 3
Knights: 0, 2
Untitled: 4, 8


Total Commoners: 22
Total Male Commoners: 14
Total Female Commoners: 8

Military: 3, 0
Middle Class and Merchants: 8, 4
Working Class: 3, 4

Professions included on London Life:

Ambassador, tradesman, artists and writers, politician, banker, companion, doctor, clergyman, servants.

Marital Status

Total single men: 48
Upper class single men (aristocracy & gentry): 35
Lower and middle class single men: 13

Total single women: 51
Upper class single women (aristocracy & gentry): 44
Lower and middle class single women: 7

Total engaged/married men: 7
Upper class engaged/married men (aristocracy & gentry): 6
Lower and middle class engaged/married men: 1

Total engaged/married women: 16
Upper class engaged/married women (aristocracy & gentry): 15
Lower and middle class engaged/married women: 1

National Origins

4 foreign families in play from France, Russia and Morocco.
1 PoC in play.