Iris Sandeford-Wrey

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Iris Sandeford-Wrey
Portrayed by Emmy Rossum [NPC]
Full Name Iris Elizabeth Sandeford-Wrey, nee Fortescue
Associated Noble House(s) Barony of Wrotham
Date of Birth 1790
Father Charles Fortescue
Father's Rank gentleman
Mother Elizabeth Fortescue
Mother's Rank gentlewoman
Town Residence Wrotham Park/London
Year of Debut
Year of Marriage 1807
Spouse Maximilian Sandeford-Wrey
Spouse's Rank heir to baroncy

Iris Sandeford-Wrey, is the wife of the current heir to the Barony of Wrotham. Immature and selfish, her flighty and petty ways do not endear her to anyone. Her childhood nickname was 'Cricket' and her new mare is called Petal.
