Regency Mourning Customs

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This is part of the Articles series but currently has no source!

General Guidelines:

12 months for a husband or wife
6 months for parents or parents in law
3 months for a sister or brother, close uncle or aunt

The period of mourning becomes shorter as the relatives become more distant, until:

1 week - first and second cousin, husband or stepmother's sister.

Bombazine and crepe were typical of 1st mourning. Over time shinier fabrics emerged in the evening. There was usually a designated female who kept up the family tree and ordained the degree of mourning required for the dearly (or not so dearly) departed. Mourning - or lack thereof - was also your opportunity to get back at someone you disliked, by cutting down on the time or style of your mourning. Ackermann's had a half mourning dress in a 1819 issue that was all white. Lavender is not mentioned.

The wife would be in black for the first six months, and then in half mourning (black and white mixed) for the next six months. But these are ideals, and not everyone observed them.