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Hugo Fotherington
Portrayed by Ioan Gruffudd
Full Name Hugo Anthony Fotherington
Date of Birth 2nd March 1781, 00.05am
Father Henry Fotherington
Mother Sophia Fotherington (nee Gradenham)
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Branch of the Military Cavalry: 11th Light Dragoons
Ship or Regiment {{{regiment}}}
Currently Enlisted? Yes
Enlistment Date 1799
Current or Final Rank (if retired) Major
Major Engagements Vimiero (1808), Oporto (1808), Corunna (1809)

Hugo Fotherington, known as the "Spare", is the younger son (just) of Henry and Lady Sophia Fotherington. Since the age of 18 he has made a career in the cavalry, recently returning to England on leave which coincides with his brother Mark's recovery from an illness.

Hugo is played by Vix.


Henry Fotherington - father
Lady Sophia Fotherington (deceased) - mother
Mark Fotherington - identical twin
Lucia Leadenhall - sister
Honoria and Patience - nieces


Although untitled, Mr Fotherington (senior) holds a considerable fortune and extensive estates in Dorset at Hazeldeane, which is near to Morven Castle. His wife, daughter of an Earl, produced both heir and spare in unusually rapid succession, and the couple passed a happy and contented time together until a brief illness took Lady Sophia from the family several years ago.

Mark and Hugo (who was eternally grateful that his parents had chosen Anthony for his middle name, and not his first) passed a very average childhood, tended by nannies, then tutors, finally attending Eton, after which Mark continued on to Oxford. Their parents were not inclined to meddle overmuch in the upbringing of their children, but were affectionate in their own ways. The boys themselves were boisterous, cheeky, and inseperable, constantly getting themselves into scrapes together. Their sister, Lucia, was co-opted whenever their games had need of a female character to be rescued or a monster to be vanquished, and otherwise left to her own devices, being four years younger. As they grew older, their proprietary attitude towards this conveniently placed small child matured into a very normal protective streak.

After leaving school, Hugo found himself inclined towards a military career. A few months were spent dithering over the choice of army or navy, but in general, the past several years have not been spent idly. First securing a commission as a Lieutenant in the 11th Light Dragoons, Hugo has risen to the rank of Major with that same regiment.

There have, naturally, been periods spent in England; either on leave or assigned to domestic duties. He was fortunate enough that one of these periods coincided with his sister's marriage, although he had unfortunately missed her entire first season (this did not trouble him, knowing that his father and brother were more than capable of keeping an eye on things). He arrived in ample time to meet his prospective brother-in-law, be satisfied as to the suitability of the match, and attend the wedding. He is now the proud (and rather indulgent) uncle of two infant girls.

His most recent leave, and thereafter with new orders to be received from Horseguards, coincides with his brother's recovery from an illness over the winter. This illness, especially given their mother's demise a few years ago, had worried Hugo more than he admitted even to himself. He will be very happy if his new orders cause him to stay in England for a while.


Hugo is inseparable from his brother, who he considers "the sensible one" (compared to him, at least), and "the clever one". Mark is the twin who will make something of himself, and this thought has been one of the things which has spurred Hugo on to success in the army, rather than taking an easy route - Hugo does not want to shame him by failing. The rest of his family are also held dear, but his twin naturally takes first place in his heart. Of course, this means that when he came close to losing his brother this winter (a double shock to the system, since Mark is also "the one who is safe at home") the worry hit home very sharply. His protective attitude towards his younger sister has now extended to his older brother.

Despite his military career, Hugo has never quite grown out of his sense of mischief, and continues to joke and play the fool among friends and family (in other words, those with whom he can get away with it). The brothers continue to make use of their near-identical appearance, as they frequently did as children. The only places that Hugo will absolutely not joke are on the battlefield or parade ground (an officer must have standards) and in church (his mother would turn in her grave).

A running joke between the two boys was the question of which was the Heir and which was the Spare. For all the joking about whether their parents or nursemaids might have mixed them up in early infanthood, however, Hugo is exceedingly glad that he is (reputedly) the younger by ten minutes. He is not unintelligent, but does not find himself suited to the business of managing estates. Having always had considerable energy that did not take well to being constrained to sit still for classes, he was more than happy to leave heirdom to his brother and take up a suitable career of his own.

Hugo's romantic life is still unsettled. As the Spare, and a military man besides, he does not consider it either important or sensible to marry. Since his wife would have to either follow the drum with him, or wait long months at home in England without him, he is pragmatic about his options. Furthermore, he is only just thirty years old, and has so far had no intention of settling down to a staid existence. Since his father has only just begun to make noises about Mark's marital status, Hugo estimates that he has a couple of years left before anyone begins to press him. Meanwhile he enjoys casual flirting and an innocent enjoyment of the charms of the fairer sex as much as any man. He has had one or two lovers over the years, but is in no way a libertine, and usually is content with friendships and flirting since they are safer.

Hugo has a strong sense of morals, though these may be slightly different from those preached by any vicar. 'Thou shalt not kill' is one example - in his case, it is more 'Thou shalt not kill unless the other chap is armed and trying to kill you'. What he believes in, he believes wholeheartedly and will stick by. If anyone crosses him or breaks his moral code, woe betide them; he will bring every means at his disposal, including potentially considerable anger, to bear. He will see whatever wrong righted if it is in his power to do so.

Hugo is used to being obeyed, having spent nine years of his life in command of men. He sometimes finds it difficult to set aside this persona when off duty, and may come across as overbearing at times, especially to those who are not used to him.



Lord Selwyn

Geoffrey Stapleton

Gerald Stapleton

Katherine, Countess of Carrington

Lord Henry and Lord Richard Grafton

Annabelle Beacham

Jemima Palmer

Lady Elizabeth Dunford

Daphne, Duchess of Beaumont

Thomas Sterne

Love interest

Lady Tessington
