Emma Vickery

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Emma Vickery
Portrayed by Kate Beckinsale
Full Name Emma Charlotte Vickery
Associated Noble House(s) Viscountcy of Saltash
Date of Birth 12th May, 1790
Father James Vickery
Father's Rank Viscount Saltash
Mother Charlotte Vickery
Mother's Rank Viscountess Saltash
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1807
Dowry £25,000

Emma Vickery is the youngest child, and only daughter, of James Vickery, the third Viscount Saltash and his wife Charlotte. She is closest to her brother John, who is away in Spain serving with the 60th Rifles, and writes to him frequently. She is played by Sharpie.


Father: James Vickery, third Viscount Saltash

Mother: Charlotte Vickery (nee von Alfeld), Viscountess Saltash

Brothers: Robert (b. 1782), John (b. 1785)

Sister Laura, (b 1787, d 1788), Georgiana (b 1793, d 1795)


Emma was born at Fallbrooke House, the family seat near Andover, Hampshire, in May 1790. Her childhood was a happy one; she was close to both her brothers but especially to John, the closest to her in age. Things changed in 1802, when Emma was twelve: their uncle bought John his Colours and he joined the Army as an Ensign in the 45th Regiment of Foot. With the loss of her brother to the Army, and her growing maturity, it was time for Emma to settle down and begin the business of acquiring enough accomplishments and polish that she could enter Society without drawing down the disapproval of the Ton.

Schooldays (1802 - 1807)

Emma's schooling was conducted at a ladies' seminary in Bath, where she became friends with Sybilla Grenfell, becoming quite close to the younger girl despite their difference in ages. During her time at school, she developed an enjoyment of playing the piano, as well as a modest artistic skill, both of which she continues to develop as best she can. She also learned to dance, an activity she takes pleasure in when she has the opportunity of doing so.

Society Life

Portrait of Emma by Basil Brett, painted in 1807

Emma debuted in 1807, at the age of seventeen, and was presented at Court. The family spent the Season of 1808 in London, but went to Bath the following year. It was during this season that she became friends with Caroline Gardiner. It was also during this season that Emma got engaged to Viscount Ravenshaw, the elder son of the Earl of Amersham, which was acknowledged to be a good match. Unfortunately, Lord Ravenshaw was thrown from his horse and killed a month before the wedding was due to take place. Emma went into mourning, as appropriate for a bereaved fiancée, and spent the Season of 1810 in the country.

She has recently come back into Society, travelling to Town with her parents and eldest brother. She will celebrate her twenty-first birthday this Season, and has hopes of finding a suitable husband before the end of the season. Her reappearance in Society has led to some rumours about her engagement and its sudden ending.

Friends, Enemies and Other Acquaintances


Sybilla Grenfell

Caroline Gardiner


Miss Charlotte Tolson

Marcus Fairmont, Lord Foxford

Lady Rosalind Fairmont

Miss Eleanor Clare (schoolfriend)

Miss Elise Hampton (family friends)

Lord Gabriel Pritchard (family friends)

Lord Parry (brother's friend from school)

Lady Kirkfries (via brothers)

Lady Anthea Winter

Miss Augusta Winter

Miss Katherine Winter

Miss Caroline Gardiner

Lady Annabella Crane

Miss Georgiana Crane

Lady Carrington (came out together)

Miss Sophia Lazenby (met at Miss Tolson's picnic)

Relevant threads

Friday 3rd May

To Pick Up a Pencil is Not Hard; at Lord Avening's exhibition with Marcus and Rosalind Fairmont

Saturday 4th May

Dress to impress Emma meets Charlotte Tolson while out shopping

Sunday 5th May

One Fine Sunday Morning in May; Talking with Elise Hampton and Lord Gabriel Pritchard after church

Monday 6th May

Riding in Rotten Row; Meeting with Lord Parry and Lady Kirkfries in Hyde Park
Hyde Park Horseplay; Conversation with Sybilla Grenfell in Hyde Park
Monday Morning You Sure Look Fine; Visiting the Cranes
To Call Upon a Friend Calling on the Grenfells
Flowers of the Town Calling on the Gardiners

Tuesday 7th May

To renew an old acquaintance Emma calls on Lady Carrington
An Idea of Good Company Emma and Robert call on Elise Hampton
China in your hand The Winter girls come for afternoon tea

Wednesday 8th May

I Just Want to Dance the Night Away Emma dances with Julian Freye

Thursday 9th May

Friday 10th May

Saturday 11th May

A Letter to the Hon. Emma Vickery Emma replies to her brother's letter
Birthday picnic in the park Celebrating Charlotte Tolson's birthday

Sunday 12th May

They flourisheth as the flowers of the field A run-in with Dominic Hissop after church

Monday 13th May

A bank whereon the wild thyme blows Decorating for the ball, with Sybilla Grenfell (and Caroline Gardiner)
Once Upon a Time, in Fair London Town The receiving line for the ball
Well met by moonlight, proud Titania The first dance, with Henry Layton
The rewards of observation and reflection A conversation with Lady Viola Fitzgerald and Miss Blanche Carey
A choice of two dances Choosing which Pritchard brother to dance with Lord, what fools these mortals be! penultimate set of the evening; dancing with Lord Foxford

Tuesday 14th May

The companion's arrival Meeting Miss Drusilla Mortemain

Wednesday 15th May

Sweet Treats for Three Trip to Gunter's with Elise, Robert and Drusilla