Helen Culpepper

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Helen Culpepper
Portrayed by Daisy Haggard (unofficially - NPC)
Full Name Helen Regina Culpepper
Associated Noble House(s) Barony of Sneddon
Date of Birth 1792
Father Alfred Culpepper
Father's Rank Baron Sneddon
Mother Eugenia Redgrave
Mother's Rank Gentry
Town Residence 27 Curzon Street
Year of Debut 1811
Dowry £6,000

Helen Culpepper is the older daughter and second child of Lord Sneddon and his wife Lady Sneddon. She is an NPC created by Liz and Betsy. Until her brother's rejected proposal of marriage to Miss Staunton, Helen considered herself one of Miss Staunton's closest friends. Helen is known for being frivolous, dim-witted, obnoxiously demanding, unwaveringly loyal to her brother, and shares in her brother's arrogance and self-importance.


Helen made her first appearance in London on April 19.[1] Describing herself as a "voracious reader", she agreed to assist her brother in locating a book of Mr. Whinging's poetry. She indicated some frustration with Algie's arrogance and his patronizing tendencies and made reference to her friend Annette Joyner. Later that day, Helen visited Hyde Park.[2]

The following day, April 20, Helen again accompanied her brother, this time to Vauxhall and in the company of their aunt, Mrs. Redgrave.[3] She sported a very fashionable turban in hopes of impressing her brother's friend and Miss Staunton's brother, Lord Bunowen. She expressed some admiration for Lady Rosalind Fairmont despite the latter's Irish heritage, though this admiration turned to jealousy when Lord Bunowen and Lady Rosalind struck up a conversation. The excursion was an eventful one, as both Algernon and Miss Staunton were struck by rock thrown by Mr. Poore, Miss Staunton's aspiring suitor. Helen voiced her concern, asking, "Was it a bird?" When Mr. Fotherington arrived on the scene to escort Miss Staunton to safety and comfort, Helen turned her attentions to him, though Mr. Fotherington seemed far more interested in Miss Staunton's well being than Helen's.

On April 24, Helen attended a picnic hosted by Miss Wriothesley.[4] Because pets were also invited to the picnic, Helen brought her 8-year-old Chinese Pug, Romeo.

Reference Threads
