Iris Sandeford-Wrey

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Iris Sandeford-Wrey
Portrayed by Emmy Rossum [NPC]
Full Name Iris Elizabeth Sandeford-Wrey, nee Fortescue
Associated Noble House(s) Barony of Wrotham
Date of Birth 1790
Father Charles Fortescue
Father's Rank gentleman
Mother Elizabeth Fortescue
Mother's Rank gentlewoman
Town Residence Wrotham Park/London
Year of Debut
Year of Marriage 1807
Spouse Maximilian Sandeford-Wrey
Spouse's Rank heir to baroncy

Iris Sandeford-Wrey, is the wife of the current heir to the Baroncy of Wrotham. Immature and selfish, her flighty and petty ways do not endear her to anyone.
