George Hackett

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George Hackett
Portrayed by David Rintoul
Full Name George Hackett, Lord Selwyn
Title Viscount Sewlyn
Associated Noble House(s) Earldom of Morven, Viscountcy of Selwyn
Date of Birth 4th April, 1785
Father George Hackett
Father's Rank Earl of Morven
Mother Elinor Hackett (nee Gosling)
Mother's Rank Countess of Morven (deceased)
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Income £2500 p.a.
School Eton
University Cambridge (Christ's College)
Year Attained Title N/A

George Hackett, Lord Selwyn is the heir to the Earldom of Morven and only son of Lord Morven. He is twenty-six years old and is in London in search of a suitable wife. He recently returned from a much extended Grand Tour of Italy where he had a secret mistress, opera singer Patrizia Dell'Angelo, and an illegitimate son. George is serious and academically minded but secretly rather likes the unconventional.


George Hackett, Earl of Morven - father
Elinor Hackett, Countess of Morven (deceased) - mother

Silvio Selwyn Dell'Angelo - son

Augusta, Duchess of Leicester - sister
Lawrence Harpole, Duke of Leicester - brother-in-law
James Harpole, Marquess of Dalton, Lady Henrietta Harpole, Lady Georgiana Harpole, Lord Augustus Harpole - nephews and nieces

Nicholas, Duke of Leighton - first cousin
Lord William Gosling - first cousin


Childhood and University (1785-1807)

George was brought up at the Hackett family estate at Morven Castle in Dorset. He lacked nothing in terms of material comforts but his father was distant and controlling, especially after the death of the Countess. His sister, Augusta, five years his senior, was a proud and ambitious girl from childhood and they had little in common. Being naturally introspective and studious, George thrived at Eton in everything except sport and social interaction. His only childhood friends were the Fotherington children: Mark, Hugo and Lucia whose estate, Hazeldeane, was close to Morven. As the children grew older, a vague plan was formed by their parents to unite the two estates by a marriage between George and Miss Fotherington. The protagonists, however, had no interest and the plan was eventually abandoned.

After Eton, George went up to Christ's College, Cambridge to read Classics. He proved himself a true scholar and spent most of his degree in libraries studying, while his fellow students discovered alcohol, gambling, and women. The one good friend George made in Cambridge was Arthur Dalrymple. He looks back on his Cambridge years as a happy time.

Italy (1807-1811)

After graduation, George followed the traditions of an earlier time and left for a tour of Europe. Due to the precarious situation in France, George travelled through Holland and Germany before descending into Italy, collecting classical remains on his way. He arrived in Florence in late September 1807, met a charming opera singer called Patrizia Dell'Angelo and never left. They lived together for four years and in 1808 she bore him an illegitimate son, Silvio. They were very much in love.

George always knew his life in Italy would have to be temporary, and the marching orders came in January 1811 when his father suffered a stroke and he was summoned home. George left Italy and his family in February and has since then spent his time between his father in Dorset and London. He brought back many beautiful paintings and quite a few Roman statues. The breakup was painful but amicable, and George continues to support Patrizia and his son financially.

Current Season 1811

Lord Morven's state of health has impressed on George the necessity of his finding a wife soon to provide a legitimate heir and his attendance in the London season is pretty much aimed solely at achieving the goal of a suitable marriage to a young lady of wealth and family. He is supported in this by his sister, now Duchess of Leicester. Augusta disapproved of his extended stay in Italy though she does not know its reasons and hopes that he will marry well and settle into life as an equally ambitious peer of the realm now.

George guards the secret of his mistress and son carefully, believing that if his history were known he would have a harder time finding a suitable wife. The only person in London who knows of Patrizia's existence is Captain Sterne who stayed at George's home near Florence for several days while Patrizia was pregnant. George worries that the Captain might betray his secret.



Arthur Dalrymple, Lord Linley: a fellow Cambridge classicist and George's closest friend.

Mark Fotherington: A friend from childhood and they still get on. They shared the burden and privilege of being heirs.

Hugo Fotherington: Also a childhood friend though they weren't as close as George and Mark.

Thomas Sterne: George met the Captain in Italy and they get on relatively well, though George remains rather in fear of him now since he knows about Patrizia.

Benjamin Hutchinson: George's lawyer. However they since met at Almack's and George rather likes him despite his background.

Potential Wives

See George's List of Wives.

Lady Julianne Grafton: Currently at the top of the list for being beautiful, socially graceful, rich, and from an excellent family. George likes her a lot but something is stopping him from making the decision to pursue her seriously.

Lady Juliet Landon: George found her intelligent and attractive as well as rich and well-connected.

Lady Rosalind Fairmont: Despite their having absolutely no chemistry, George does admire her and would consider her as a suitable wife.

Charity Pritchard: Was on the list but removed with some regret when she appeared in a shockingly revealing gown at the Emerson Ball.

Love Interest

Patrizia Dell'Angelo: George's mistress between 1807 and 1811 and the mother of his son, Silvio. Quite possibly the love of his life.

Susannah Hutchinson: Not really eligible as a wife but George really likes her. He is trying to pretend he doesn't.


George is played by Rose.