Robert Vickery

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Robert Vickery
Portrayed by Kevin Zegers
Full Name Robert William Vickery
Associated Noble House(s) Viscountcy of Saltash
Date of Birth 20th October 1782
Father James Vickery
Father's Rank Viscount Saltash
Mother Charlotte Vickery
Mother's Rank Viscountess Saltash
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
School {{{school}}}
University {{{university}}}
Profession {{{prof}}}

Robert Vickery is the eldest son, and the heir, to James and Charlotte Vickery, the Viscount and Viscountess Saltash. His younger brother John is currently serving in Lord Wellington's army in Spain as a Captain in the 60th Rifles. Robert is played by Sharpie


Father: James Vickery, third Viscount Saltash (b. 1756, acceded to the title in 1783. Fought in America.)

Mother: Charlotte (nee von Alfeld) (b. 1763)

Brother, John (b. 1785) (currently serving in the Army in Spain with the 60th Rifles)

Sister, Emma (b. 1790)

Sister, Laura, (b 1787, d 1788)

Sister, Georgiana (b 1793, d 1795)


Robert went to school at Winchester, where he boarded despite the school's relative proximity to the family home. He was not a particularly distinguished scholar, although he was not a complete dunce. Despite this, he went to Cambridge University where he attained his degree in Classics at Gonville and Caius College.

While at school, he made friends with Leander Grenfell and Henry Layton, the latter of whom also went up to Cambridge (albeit to King's College rather than Caius).

Attempted Grand Tour 1802-03

In 1802, three things happened that would change Robert's life: His brother John joined the Army as an Ensign in the 45th Foot; his sister Emma went away to school in Bath, and peace was declared between Britain and France. With the advent of peace (the first time Britain had not been at war since Robert's childhood), Robert determined to go on a Grand Tour of Europe as his father had. Taking a tutor, and with the advantage of his fluency in German, his planned route lay through Hanover, Prussia, Saxony, then into Austria and on into Italy. Traditionally, a gentleman would go on his Grand Tour after completing his degree, but Lord Saltash did not expect the peace to last and persuaded Robert to take his tour earlier.

Lord Saltash was proved right before Robert and his tutor had reached Saxony, and they were forced to retrace their step northwards, heading for the coast to try to find a vessel willing to take them back to England. It was during this period of travelling through what was rapidly becoming enemy territory that Robert discovered he had no real taste for adventure and was quite willing to leave all that sort of excitement to his younger brother.

University Years

Despite not being the most studious of young men, Robert went up to Gonville and Caius College (more commonly known as Caius College), Cambridge, where he studied Classics, graduating in 1806

Present Day

Robert has settled down to become a gentleman of leisure and a man about Town, having not much more to recommend him other than his degree and being the heir to the Saltash title and the Hampshire estate. He is hoping to marry this season, and to marry well. Or rather, he doesn't much mind if he marries this year, but feels he ought to make the effort to look for a suitable bride because it will get his mother off his back.

Odds and Ends

He is a member of Boodle's. His gelding is named Phrixus. There are rumours he once challenged a man to a duel.

Friends, Enemies and Other Acquaintances


Henry Layton, Earl Parry

Other Acquaintances

Miss Sybilla Grenfell

Captain Benjamin Blackwood George Hackett Elise Hampton Gabriel Pritchard


Monday 6th May

Hyde Park Horseplay Riding in Hyde Park, Robert and Emma meet Matilda and Sybilla Grenfell

Riding in Rotten Row Robert and Emma meet Henry Layton and his sister Catherine McAvoy

Monday Morning You Sure Look Fine Calling on the Cranes

To Call Upon a Friend Robert, Emma and Lady Saltash call on the Grenfells

Tuesday 7th May

a Delivery of Flowers to de Grave House robert sends flowers to Sybilla after their meeting in Hyde Park

An idea of good companyRobert and Emma call on Elise Hampton

Wednesday 8th May

We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once First dance at Almack's, with Elise Hampton

To Dance by Candlelight Robert dances with Katie Winter at Almack's

Thursday 9th May

An Afternoon Call A friend of Captain Vickery's, Captain Blackwood, comes to call

Billiards for Two After Blackwood's call, Robert heads to his club where he meets George Hackett, newly returned to Town