Kenward Asquith

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Kenward Asquith
Portrayed by Iain Glenn
Full Name Kenward Peter Asquith
Title Marquess of Coniston
Associated Noble House(s) Marquessate of Coniston, Viscouncy of Milbury
Date of Birth 4th July 1776
Father Francis Asquith
Father's Rank Marquess of Coniston
Mother Elysia Asquith
Mother's Rank Marchioness of Coniston
Town Residence The Albany
Income £10,000
School Rugby
University Oriel College, Oxford
Year Attained Title 1810

Kenward Asquith is the current Marquess of Coniston, having acceded to the title in March 1810.

Kenward is played by Sharpie



At five feet eight inches tall, Kenward may not be the tallest gentleman in town, but an upright bearing and serious mien help convey the impression that he is taller than he actually is. He has mousy brown hair, which he wears brushed forward a la Titus. The shading of his hair can vary enormously depending on the light, sometimes appearing quite dark, while in strong sunlight it can look almost blond. His eyes are hazel, with that unusual peculiarity of almost seeming to change colour depending on his mood, the green showing more strongly when he is angry. His skin is fair, although not pasty-white, and he has a tendency to burn in strong sunlight.

His valet is aware of his master's slight tendency towards thrift but has managed to persuade him that fashion need not mean tight-fistedness and as he has spent a year in mourning, he is entitled to spend on his clothing. Kenward dresses as well as he can without being extravagant, unwilling to spend money on a coat that will last only one season. He is not unfashionable in his dress, but is not a dandy who cares nothing for spending fifty guineas or more on a coat.

Present Day

Kenward while Lord Milbury, c. 1792

Since the death of his father in March 1810, Kenward has been dealing with his father's creditors and looking into the family's finances, determined to do what he can to cut back on expenses. This has involved selling off a minor estate, which had not been used by the family in several years, as well as renting out some other property. He has come to London in order to put the family's town house (Coniston House, 19 Grosvenor Square) into better order with the possibility of renting it out in the future if he does not marry this year.

He is currently staying at Albany with his valet, the only member of his household staff to accompany him to Town.

Friends and Acquaintances


  • He is a member of White's
  • He takes black tea with no milk, cream or sugar


Thursday 16th May

The More Things Change Calling on Miss Bartram

Friday 17th May

The Female of the species is more deadly than the Male Calling on the Duchess of Leicester

Red red wine goes to my head Kenward heads to his club to recuperate from his call on the Duchess of Leicester

And all Rabbit's friends-and-relations Calling on Mrs Beckett

Saturday 18th May

Morning has broken Calls on Lord Surrey's relations Blinded by SCIENCE!! Attends a lecture at scientific demonstration at Lord Beaconsfield's

Sunday 19th May

It is hard to be brave when you're only a Very Small Animal Introduction to Isabella Granville at church