Selina Clare

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Selina Clare
Portrayed by Clemence Poesy
Full Name Selina Jane Clare
Associated Noble House(s) No connections
Date of Birth 14th June 1785
Father James MacAlistair
Father's Rank Knight
Mother Sarah MacAlistair
Mother's Rank Gentry
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 1803 in Bath
Dowry £5,000
Year of Marriage 1805
Spouse Edward Clare
Spouse's Rank Gentry
Year of Widowhood 1810
Issue None

Selina Clare was born Miss Selina MacAlistair in Glasgow to Mr. and Mrs. MacAlistair. She made her debut in Bath in 1803 and married Mr. Clare two years later. She is now twenty-five years old and a widow. She has come to London to ingratiate herself into the Ton and find a titled second husband. Unexpectedly, she has been joined by her step-daughter, Eleanor Clare.


Edward Clare (deceased) - husband
Eleanor Clare - step-daughter

Sir James MacAlistair - father
Lady MacAlistair - mother

Lady Brown - sister
Sir Francis Brown - brother-in-law
Emma, Lucius, Anabel Brown - nieces and nephew

Belinda Cholmondeley - twin sister
Admiral John Cholmondeley - brother-in-law
Jack and Davy Cholmondeley - nephews


Selina was born in Scotland in 1875 to a wealthy, middle-class business man and his wife. When she was seven years old, Mr. and Mrs. MacAlistair left Scotland and the business behind to move to Bath where they bought themselves into the gentry. Selina and her two sisters were given all the attention that money could buy and all had seasons in Bath. It took Selina two years to snag Edward Clare in 1805 but he was a good catch, even if he was quite a bit older than her and a widower. Selina set out to be the perfect wife to him and, at least in her opinion, she succeeded.

Selina was not faithful, but her affairs were few and they were discreet. One of her affairs, two years after her marriage, resulted in pregnancy, but fortunately the baby was stillborn. She has had no other children. When she married Edward, she took on care of his ten year old step daughter, Eleanor. The two took a mutual dislike of each other and Selina ended up sending Eleanor off to school.

In 1810 Mr. Clare died leaving Selina a widow, and wealthy. Though Mr. Clare's estate was entailed away to a distant cousin, Lord Avening, he left his wife a substantial legacy. Selina waited out her mourning period with her sister, Augusta, before taking a house in London for the season. The 1811 season is her first time in London and Selina is keen to make some friends in high places and if possible marry a title.

Her plans were put on hold, however, when she was joined by Eleanor, sent home from school due to an outbreak of diphtheria. Still, Eleanor's presence has not prevented her from taking Captain Sterne as her lover. On Wednesday 24th April 1811, Eleanor ran away from home.



Eleanor Clare: Selina finds her pious and prim step-daughter a nuisance and weight around her neck. They do not get on at all and Selina would be very glad to get rid of her in any way.


Perdita, Lady Ackland: Selina's closest friend from Bath. Selina is delighted to see her in London.

Daphne, Duchess of Beaumont: Selina latched onto the kind duchess as soon as she arrived in town and now considers herself part of her inner circle, whether she is or not.

Lady Imogen Rathbone: Another friend from Bath. Selina considers herself a great friend to the poor invalid and patronises her terribly.

Miranda, Lady Thetstone: A friend from Bath, Selina could never quite make Miranda out. She remains a bit wary of her, however friendly she is.

Suitors and Lovers

Thomas Sterne: Captain Sterne is Selina's lover. She has no idea of the likelihood of his inheriting an earldom, otherwise she would have made more attempt to seduce him into marriage, rather than just her bed.

The Duke of Claitonborough: Selina danced with the Duke once and has an idea that he admires her.

Lord Louth: Selina has not yet twigged that Lord Louth is married. She liked him very much.

Lord Avening: Selina only knows Lord Avening as Eleanor's guardian. She doesn't find him very attractive or interesting, but he is rich and titled, so she intends to be nice to him if she can't get anyone more handsome.


Eleanor Clare

Selina is played by Rose.