Madeleine Fitzgerald

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Madeleine Fitzgerald
Portrayed by (Susan Hampshire)
Full Name Madeleine Anne Fitzgerald, Lady Rotherham
Associated Noble House(s) Earldom of Rotherham, Viscountcy of Surrey
Date of Birth 5th October 1758
Father Sir James Freye (deceased)
Father's Rank Baronet
Mother Lady Dorothea Freye (nee Grafton) (deceased)
Mother's Rank Peerage
Town Residence Rotherham House, Park Street
Year of Debut 1776
Dowry £12,000
Year of Marriage 1776
Spouse Richard Fitzgerald
Spouse's Rank Earl
Issue Richard (1778), Robert (1782), Viola (1787), Olivia (1793)

Madeleine, Lady Rotherham was born Miss Madeleine Freye and is the younger daughter of Sir James and Lady Dorothea Freye and the granddaugher of the 4th Earl of Bridgeton. She has two elder siblings: Dorothy and Simon. She made her debut in 1776 and married Richard Fitzgerald, heir to the Earldom of Rotherham at the end of the same year. The couple had six children, of whom four (Richard, Robert, Viola and Olivia) survived.

Lady Rotherham is a reserved woman with a placid countenance and quiet good humour that is often mistaken for indolence. This is not helped by her distinct preference for country living and lack of interest in socialising beyond a close circle. She is a lot more intelligent that she looks however, able to quickly judge character and possessing a surprisingly subversive sense of humour.

She accompanied Viola to London for the season for three years (1805-1807) but was quite willing to remain at home when her daughter showed no inclination to return the following year. This year, she was happy to leave Olivia's debut in the hands of her more active sister. However, after the injury of her son, Robbie in the Peninsula, Madeleine and her husband have come to London and her current preoccupation is the organisation of a debut ball for Olivia.

Madeleine is a NPC belonging to Rose.