Olivia Fitzgerald
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Portrayed by Justine Waddell | |
Full Name | Olivia Phoebe Fitzgerald |
Associated Noble House(s) | Earldom of Rotherham |
Date of Birth | 2nd August 1793 |
Father | Richard Fitzgerald I |
Father's Rank | Earl of Rotherham |
Mother | Madeleine Fitzgerald (nee Freye) |
Mother's Rank | Countess of Rotherham |
Town Residence | Rotherham House, Park Street |
Year of Debut | 1811 |
Dowry | £45,000 |
Lady Olivia Fitzgerald is the youngest daughter of the Earl of Rotherham. She is seventeen years old and has a dowry of £45,000. She has just started her first London season and is already gaining friends and admirers for her unconventional wit and unselfconscious charm. However, unbeknownst to any of these new acquaintances or even to her family, she is already engaged to Sir William Devenish.
Olivia is a former character who was played by Rose.
Richard Fitzgerald, Earl of Rotherham - father
Madeleine, Countess of Rotherham - mother
Robbie Fitzgerald - brother
Viola Fitzgerald - sister
Richard Fitzgerald, Lord Surrey - brother
Cordelia, Lady Surrey - sister-in-law
Henry, Madeleine and Mortimer - nephews and niece
Dorothy Greystone - maternal aunt and chaperone in 1811 season
John Fitzgerald - paternal uncle
Emma Fitzgerald - aunt
John, Lucy, Helen, Percy - cousins
Sophie Montgomery - cousin (on the Fitzgerald side)
Rawdon Montgomery III - cousin
Mirabel O'Sullivan - cousin
Rawdon Montgomery - cousin
Ivor Montgomery - cousin
Simon Freye - maternal uncle
Anna Freye - aunt
Julian, Henrietta, Gregory - cousins
Christopher Carlisle - cousin (on the Fitzgerald side)
Honoria Bartram - cousin (on the Freye side)
John Bartram - cousin
1793-1810: Early Years
As the youngest child in the Fitzgerald family, Olivia was never short of elder siblings and friends to play with and indulge her. Olivia's childhood was happy. However, while she generally loved her position, being the youngest sister of Viola Fitzgerald was not always easier. Viola was better than Olivia at nearly everything that the two sisters did and this led to some natural resentment and insecurity.
Olivia shared governesses with Viola and was also taught all the same accomplishments: music, French, Italian, deportment, drawing and so on. Olivia was indifferent at most of them mainly because she did not want to compete with her sister and fail. The one area in which she exceeded Viola was in art and she has consequently displayed more interest and ability at this. Olivia also has a large imagination and has always been a keen reader of romantic fiction and actor of plays. She is good at seeing things from other people's perspectives.
The most important event of Olivia's childhood was a serious bout of pneumonia in 1803 when she was ten. Though she does not remember the severity of her illness or was made aware of the danger of her condition, her family was scared and they all removed to Scarborough for the summer to aid her recovery. She enjoyed that holiday. She made a full recovery but was treated with caution for several years following.
1810-1811: Will Devenish
For as long as she could remember, Olivia hero-worshipped her slightly older neighbour William Devenish. He always indulged her and gave her time (and treats) even when she was overlooked in favour of Viola. As they both grew older Olivia's hero worship turned into infatuation. Somehow they ended up engaged in 1810.
... I really need to work out how this happened at some point...
1811: Debut and Current Season

Olivia came to London in April 1811 several days after her sister and made her first public appearance at the Emerson Ball. Although she misses Will, she is enjoying the season very much and making plenty of new friends. At Viola's musicale she played a simple piece on the pianoforte adequately. She subsequently attended the Brixton House Party and the Masquerade there where she was dressed as a milkmaid.
After Brixton, Olivia has seen her star rising. She has made good friends with Lady Elizabeth, Miss Beacham and Miss Pritchard, attending Belle's archery party where she has rediscovered her enthusiasm for archery, and planning a boating party with Lizzie and Charity. She has also rather controversially made the acquaintance of Aaron Abdullah, the Moroccan ambassador. He has inspired in her a desire to learn Arabic. Since her brother's return to London, she has projected this onto him to legitimise it. Having received an unexpected gift of a book from him, she has become worried about her budding feelings for Mr. Abdullah.
Olivia has started to grow beyond the naive girl she was when she first arrived in town. She has been delighted by the news of her sister's engagement to Lord Emerson and is looking forward to her debut ball on Thursday 16th May. However, she remains even more confused and anxious about her feelings for both her secret fiance, William Devenish and for Harun. After the Ridotto on the 14th May, she finally confided in Viola about her engagement to William Devenish. This leads to her suggesting to Will before her ball on May 16th that they should break it off. The resulting argument was terribly upsetting to Olivia and could not have come at a worse time.

Olivia has a difficult time at the ball, despite everything being planned for her enjoyment. She felt particularly irritated by the Duke of Leighton and Robert Vickery but got on well with Adrian Carey, including inviting him to paint up in Yorkshire, and with the Duke of Claitonborough. Most memorably, however, her relationship with Aaron Abdullah became increasingly intimate when they met on the gallery during the eighth dance. Following that, Olivia sent him a gift with a coded Shakespearean message the following day. While feeling she is in control of him, she is in fact increasingly out of her depth.
- Charlie Devenish: Charlie has been Olivia's playmate and best friend since early childhood.
- Lady Cassandra Edgeworth: Their families' estates being quite close, Olivia and Cassandra have known each other for a long time and Olivia would consider her her best female friend. She is glad they are both debuting together.
- Lord Latimer: Cassandra's brother. Olivia considers him a good friend as well.
- Lucy Fitzgerald: Olivia's cousin and a year younger than her. Although they don't meet very often, they get on reasonably well.
- Annabelle Beacham: One of Olivia's newest friends, they've only met a couple of times but Olivia likes her sunny personality.
- Regina Rutledge: Another new friend. Olivia is not quite sure about her, but likes her well enough.
- Lord Linley: Olivia's one dance with Arthur was very pleasant and she liked him a lot.
- Lord Christiakov: Another dance partner. Olivia likes his sense of humour enormously and finds his background intriguing.
- Lord Parry: Really Viola's friend but Olivia likes him too and he seems willing to tease her equally.
- Elise Hampton: Olivia met Miss Hampton at Brixton and the two struck up a friendship at the Masquerade.
- Charity Pritchard: Olivia also improved her acquaintance with Miss Pritchard at Brixton and likes her, though feels a little unsure about her propriety.
- Lord Emerson: Olivia likes Blake and is excited at the prospect of him becoming her brother
- Lord Gabriel Pritchard: Olivia met Lord Gabriel at Brixton as well and enjoyed his company.
- Captain Brydges: Another Brixton friend.
- Nathaniel Scarborough: Olivia met Mr. Scarborough at Miss Beacham's party and flirted with him quite happy without really being aware of it.
- Lady Juliet Landon: Olivia and Juliet had a long conversation at Miss Beacham's party. Olivia liked her a lot.
- Lady Elizabeth Dunford: Olivia and Lizzie's friendship has increased since Miss Beacham's archery event
- The Duke of Claitonborough: Olivia likes Lizzie's brother though not as much as her family wishes she did
- Georgiana Crane: A distant cousin and a girl Olivia is just starting to get to know
- Prosperity Ellesmere: A distant cousin and another girl Olivia is just starting to get to know
- Bee Rosdew: Olivia and Bee hit it off quickly and Olivia wonders if she would make a good wife for Robbie
- Lord Foxford: He may be Viola's old suitor but Olivia likes him
- Sir William Devenish: Olivia's childhood sweetheart and fiance since 1810, though the engagement appears to be at an end as of May 16th 1811.
- Aaron Abdullah: Olivia first met the Moroccan Ambassador at Almack's. She found him fascinating and attractive and her feelings definitely go beyond what she ought to feel.
- Since her childhood bout of pneumonia, Olivia has felt the cold particularly and is prone to catching winter bugs.
- Her favourite Shakespeare play is As You Like It and she played Rosalind in home theatricals at the age of 13 to great acclaim.
Thread Tracking
The Secret Diaries of Lady Olivia Fitzgerald[1]
Sunday 14th April (Easter Sunday)
- St. George's, Hanover Square: Easter Sunday[2] Olivia's first appearance in society at church
- Familiar Faces[3]: Olivia catches up on gossip with her old friends Tristan and Cassandra
Emerson Ball
- A Night to Remember[4]: Olivia and Viola arrive at the ball and are greeted by Lady Emerson
- Blast from the Past[5]: Olivia and Viola meet Arthur and others
- Caledonian Laddie[6]: First dance with Arthur
- Of Champagne Fountains and Wine[7]: Meeting Blake after the fourth dance
- Spirit of Fancy[8]: Dance with Anthony Dunford
- After the eighth dance[9]: Meeting Geoffrey who asks her to dance
- Final Dance[10]: With Geoffrey
Monday 15th April
- An Olive Branch[11]: Flowers from Blake
- Flowers for Lady Viola and Lady Olivia[12]: From Thomas
- Flowers for the Fitzgeralds[13]: From Tristan
- Flowers for Viola & Olivia[14]: From Marcus
- Flowers from a Duke[15]: From Anthony
Tuesday 16th April
- An afternoon in the galleries[16]: Trip to the Royal Academy with Charlie, Belle and the Rutledges
Musical Soiree
- Performances Thread[17]: Olivia performs
- Dinner thread - Felicity[18]: Meeting Felicity, Georgiana, Demelza and Valeri over dinner
Wednesday 17th April
- "I may be right, I may be wrong but I'm perfectly willing to swear..."[19]: With Viola after Francis proposes
Friday 19th April (Brixton)
- Trump cards & carriage bumps[20]: The Fitzgeralds arrive and immediately meet the Emersons
- Fish Tales[21]: Meeting Gabriel and Stephen in the grounds
- A Chance Encounter[22]: Olivia rescues Cassandra from Walter
- Pieta![23]: After dinner with Henry and Charity
Saturday 20th April (Brixton)
- Early one morning[24]: With Belle in the grounds
- Le désaccord équestre[25]: Riding with Viola and Blake, meeting Julia
- The revellers are entering[26]: Olivia enters the masquerade and talks to Elise
Monday 22cd April
- Blind Man's Bluff Seated[27]: Reacting to the game
- Meeting over supper[28]: Meeting Juliet
- A Glass of Wine, a Loaf of Bread and Thou[29]: Meeting Nate
Tuesday 23rd April
- Excursion to Astley's[30]: Trip to the circus with Charlie and Will Gosling
Wednesday 24th April
- A New Complexion[31]: Meeting Harun and dancing with him
Friday 26th April
Sunday 28th April
- Always window shopping, never stopping to buy[34]: Getting the news about Robbie at the charity fair
- Some Slender Comfort[35]: With Will after the charity fair
Monday 29th April
- Polite conversation is rarely either[36]: Calling on the Groves with Viola and meeting the Fairmonts
Tuesday 30th April
- Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree[37]: Meeting Harun in Hyde Park
- Preaching to the Unappreciative[38]: Meeting Malcolm in Hyde Park
Wednesday 1st May
- The Scars of Battle[39]: Visiting Robbie
Thursday 2nd May
- Company at Breakfast[40]: With Will at breakfast
- Words to Lift a Soldier's Spirit[41]: Will and Olivia go to buy a book for Robbie
Friday 3rd May
- You cannot choose your relations[42]: John Bartram calls
Saturday 4th May
- An Afternoon of Archery[43]: Olivia joins Miss Beacham and other friends for archery
Sunday 5th May
- Let's All Give Thanks[44]: With Miss Pritchard and Lady Elizabeth after church
Monday 6th May
- Arabia Mon Amour[45]: Olivia and Will bump into Harun outside the Moroccan Embassy
- A little learning never hurt[46]: With Blake outside the library
- Notes to Miss Pritchard and Lady Elizabeth[47]: Inviting Charity and Lizzie to discuss party plans
Tuesday 7th May
- A Badly Timed Call[48]: Sophia calls on her and Viola
- La Donna è Mobile[49]: With her family at the opera
Wednesday 8th May
- Grandmother, what sharp teeth you have![50]: Julia calls on Olivia
- Sibling Affection[51]: With Viola and Robbie at Rotherham House
- Bedroom Secrets[52]: With Viola after Almack's
- One Hundred and One Debutantes[53]: With Kit and Prosperity at Almack's
- Arm in arm the ladies go[54]: With Prosperity at Almack's
- A Dancing Engagement[55]: Dancing with Will at Almack's
- International Relations[56]: Dancing with Harun at Almack's
- A Pair of Nice Young Ladies[57]: With Georgiana Crane at Almack's
- And we'll never be royals[58]: With Christina Westcott at Almack's
Thursday 9th May
- A walk in the park, I'm getting away[59]: With Charlie, Belle and Fred Lazenby in Hyde Park
- To Lady Olivia Fitzgerald, a small packet[60]: Harun sends Olivia a present
- A kiss may be grand[61]: With Will Devenish after she receives the present
Friday 10th May
- On Fridays we plan parties[62]: Planning the boating party with Lady Elizabeth and Charity Pritchard
- See the town, watch the people[63]: With Viola, Nathaniel Scarborough and Emily Grey around Town
- Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot[64]: With Viola and Lord Foxford in the park
Saturday 11th May
- A Congratulatory Call[65]: Calling on Juliet Landon with Viola
- Welcoming Committee[66]: Henrietta arrives
Sunday 12th May
- All Things Bright and Beautiful[67]: All the extended Fitzgeralds at church
- News of the best nature in the world[68]: Viola tells Olivia of her engagement
Monday 13th May
- Fripperies and further fun[69]: Shopping with her mother
- Wasting Sweetness on the Desert Air?[70]: Meeting Lady Winchcombe in Gunter's
- A Sporting chance[71]: Meeting Harun on Bond Street
- Such a bright little tight little craft[72]: Meeting Bee Rosdew on Bond Street
The Vickery Ball
- Once Upon a Time in Fair London Town[73]: The Fitzgerald party arrives
- Brother and sister? Yes please![74]: Olivia with Viola and Blake
- Dear heart, are those tears?[75]: Olivia is at supper with Lord Jeremy
Tuesday 14th May
- A garden of delights[76]: Olivia confides in Viola about her engagement to Will
- Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister[77]: Olivia confides in Viola about Will
- A secret delivery to Cavisham House[78]: Olivia discovers a flower on her window sill
Wednesday 15th May
- But one half-pennyworth of bread[79]: a family dinner
Thursday 16th May
- What a beautiful chaos[80]: Viola helps Olivia choose flowers for the ball
- The pretty follies that lovers commit[81]: Will and Olivia break up before the ball
- To porcelain, to ivory, to steel[82]: With Viola before the ball
Fitzgerald Ball
- They have their exits and entrances[83]: Arrivals thread
- When you do dance, I wish you a wave o' the sea[84]: First dance with Marcus
- All the broken hearts in the world still beat[85]: Second dance with Nick
- Dance like nobody is watching[86]: Fourth dance with Robert Vickery
- A Note passed to Lady Olivia before the fifth dance[87]: Robbie sends her a note
- Picture of a dancer[88]: Fifth dance with Adrian Carey
- Danse Macabre[89]: Sitting out the sixth dance with Tony Dunford
- O brave new world![90]: With Harun during the eighth dance
- You know who's looking fine tonight? Aaron Abdullah[91]: Olivia meets Aurelia Blakeney after leaving Harun
Friday 17th May
- A message to be given personally to the Moroccan ambassador[92]: Olivia sends a coded message to Harun
- It is too hard a knot for me to untie[93]: With Robbie after breakfast
- If only we were fortunate in our choice of husbands[94]: Party planning at Emerson House with Charity and Lizzie
Saturday 18th May
- Morning Has Broken[95]: Morning calls
- A note for Miss Rosdew[96]: Inviting Bee shopping
- It's not gossip if it's true[97]: With Viola
Sunday 19th May
- Chatting after church[98]: With Emily Grey after church
- Of Suitors and Piano Stools[99]: Lord Rotherham talks about marriage
Monday 20th May
- For Your Eyes Only[100]: Shopping with Bee and calling on the Moroccan Embassy