Christopher Carlisle

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Christoper "Kit" Carlisle is a trained medical practitioner turned heir apparent to his uncle's large fortune.


Both of Kit's parents passed away young. He and his much younger sister were raised by their wealthy cousins, the Ellesmeres.

Father: Christopher Joseph Carlisle
Mother: Anne Carlisle née Fitzgerald
Sister: Josephine Christine Carlisle

Aunt: Jane Ellesmere
Uncle: Anthony Ellesmere
Cousin: Nathaniel Ellesmere
Cousin: Elinor Knowles née Ellesmere
Cousin: Prosperity Ellesmere
Cousin: Patience Ellesmere
Cousin: Annie Ellesmere

Cousin: Viola Fitzgerald
Cousin: Olivia Fitzgerald


Kit is a straight forward creature in some respects: he is highly logical without a trace of sentimentality nor of superstition. If asked – which he never is – he would define himself as an empiricist and sympathize with Scottish philosopher, Hume: we cannot know with certainty that the sun will continue to rise in the East, but instead come to expect it to do so because it has repeatedly done so in the past.

This approach to has rendered him somewhat of an unpopular dinner guest among the more precious members of society. He will not tolerate fools. He will not tolerate bravado. If you commit to putting a sentence into words, he may well insist you back it up with an appropriate argument.

Though not an impolite man, Kit sometimes struggles with the pointless niceties and meaningless small talk polite society requires. The need for such things bemuses him. Also along those lines, he finds modesty somewhat baffling: if one is intelligent/rich/attractive why not embrace it? The same is not true when it comes to flaws – these he will happily not mention. However, he is very hard on himself and subjects others to the same treatment.

Kit is far from shy, but does not crave social contact the way some do. Time alone nourishes this soul as time in the limelight does to some others.

Quietly, he has a sincere interest in biology and spends a great deal of time reading any journal available to him. Such bizarre interests do not sit well with his aunt and uncle and, as it is for them that he now returns to Town to play nice and show face at all the right events, this interest is not one he speak much of.

His passions run to the study of all natural things and to archery. He has excellent hand eye co-ordinations (just ask him.)