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Revision as of 19:48, 21 November 2016 by Sharpie (talk | contribs)
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Portrayed by Herself
Full Name Sharpiefan
Associated Noble House(s) the most Ancient and Noble House of Sharpie
Date of Birth 20th September
Father Dad
Father's Rank Government employee
Mother Mum
Mother's Rank Lady of Leisure
Town Residence {{{residence}}}
Year of Debut 2012
Dowry one computer, a heap of re-enactment kit and a not so beat-up car

Sharpie has been on the board since 2012, and knows a little bit about a wide range of subjects, and is always willing to learn more. Serious abuser of commas. She is also now well and truly a Bathite, having moved to Bath in summer 2015, along with a ton of books and a good friend. She currently plays 2/3 of the Roberts on the board (Robert Fitzgerald and Robert Vickery respectively).

She has been a re-enactor of the Napoleonic period since 2001 and can fire three rounds a minute with a flintlock musket - a favourite story concerns a battle display in the pouring rain, during the course of which three muskets, total, fired... and hers was one of the three.


Sharpie plays several characters. With varying degrees of success...

Current Characters

  1. Kenward Asquith- Recently acceded to the Marquessate of Coniston, Kenward is by nature a light-hearted type but over the years has learned to be sober and serious. He is trying to rebuild his family's fortune without looking too desperately like a fortune-hunter.
  2. Dorothea Darling - Middle child of three and determined to make her mark by organising her family according to her ideals
  3. Robbie Fitzgerald - Brother to Richard, Viola and Olivia Fitzgerald. Intelligent and quick-witted, he has recently returned to England from the Peninsular War due to an injury sustained while on patrol
  4. Emma Vickery - Only daughter of Lord and Lady Saltash and the youngest child of three, her fiancé was killed in a riding accident shortly before the end of the 1809 Season
  5. Robert Vickery - Elder brother of Emma, and eldest son to Lord and Lady Saltash. Clean-cut all around good egg, WTM female w/ GSOH to set up home with. Until he does meet her, he is a gentleman of leisure. As of Thursday the 16th May, he is engaged to Miss Elise Hampton, the ward of the Marquess of Emerson.

Retired Characters

  1. Richenda Cardew - Natural daughter of an Army officer and an opera dancer, she is independently-minded and has set up as a courtesan. Definitely not top-drawer, but a fairly well-known figure of the demi-monde.
  2. Gerry Stapleton - Lately a Major in the Ninth Regiment of Foot, he has retired from active service due to a severe injury received at the Battle of Barossa

Areas of Expertise

Sharpie's main area of interest and expertise lies in the British military of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars (1793-1815), their weapons, tactics, uniforms and rank structure. This is helped by the fact that she re-enacts as a soldier of the period and has run an RPG board since 2008 which focuses on the Navy and military of the period (Show the Colours; it's listed on LL's sidebar if you're curious. Or send her a PM - she doesn't bite. Honestly.).

She also can answer questions and give pointers about the Royal Navy, its rank structures, ships, men and organisation and what it was up to in the years after Trafalgar.


She has contributed two articles to this wiki, on the British Army and the Royal Navy. She also has a tendency to edit pages to death and has been known to edit something, come back later and realise she messed it up so she has to put it back. (She only does this to things involving her own characters so you can all breathe a sigh of relief.)