
From LLWiki
Revision as of 15:47, 23 January 2017 by Ellie (talk | contribs)
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Portrayed by herself
Full Name Elinor Kate
Associated Noble House(s) Fearon
Year of Birth 1994
Mother Mother Dearest
Mother's Rank World's Greatest
Soulmate Hattie

Ellie (previously known as Elinor, also known by any kind of abbreviation of Elinor that you can possibly imagine) is a twenty-one year old student-in-flux with too many characters and not enough time who joined LL in September 2015. When she's not prettifying Wiki pages or spamming the WhatsApp chat with videos of Jamie Parker singing or reciting Shakespeare, she's a librarian, a Brownie leader, a Scout leader and an aspiring novelist.


  • Rawdon Montgomery: rakish heir to a Marquessate in a vaguely homoerotic relationship with his best friend and a hate-love-hate relationship with his best friend's sister.
  • Sophie Montgomery: Monty's mama, here in town to meddle, matchmake and adopt some children.
  • Natalie Relmsey: overly intense plant nerd and incorrigible optimist. She'll settle down eventually.
  • Felix Sutcliffe: Wounded soldier and bleeding-heart liberal.
  • Ira Wilson: grumpy Northern almost-viscount with a chip on his shoulder, a nosy grandmother, a lodger who won't leave and a daughter who likes the lodger way more than him.
  • Clementine Worthing: slightly neurotic young lady with a chip on her shoulder and a love of sonnets.