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Kristie is a 27 going 28 year old American-born-Chinese, currently living in London. She spent her childhood conquering the streets of Hong Kong with her magic wand.

She joined the board in 2008 and has since amassed too many characters to count! Now, she spends her time dreaming about prince-charming and keeping the board's gossip pages filled. She authors the board's Society News pages, and will read all threads posted in effort to provide comprehensive gossip. Her other hobbies include shopping, writing chick-lit, and aiding the economy by spending odious amounts of money on coffee at Starbucks (Edit - she has recently purchased a Nespresso coffee maker, so might start spending less on Starbucks)


  • Blake Pritchard: The Elusive Marquess of Emerson, who has steadily escaped the altar. Charismatic, charming, and sometimes snarky. It depends.
  • Gabriel Pritchard: Affable second son of the Pritchard family, war-strategy/weapons expert who has been in Spain the last seven years.
  • Charity Pritchard: Orphaned Cousin of the Marquess with a fortune
  • Elise Hampton: Beautiful adopted daughter of the Pritchard family with insecurities as to her self-worth.
  • Daphne Werlington: Intelligent, kindly Duchess feels having children is a full time job.
  • Damien Relmsey: Heir to the earldom of Griffith who has spent the last eight years traveling and investing internationally.
  • Ally Tessington: Married yet Merry mother of two with a singular aim of enjoying herself in mind.
  • Asher Heathcote: Duke of Henley in town with his sisters in search of True Love
  • Avreya Vorostova: Russian young lady in London to escape the confines of St Petersburg society and on a hunt for pleasure.
  • Tempest Sandeford-Wrey: Cool, indifferent young lady pressed into an arranged marriage after her father loses her in a hand of cards.

...Along with a truckload full of other NPCs.