Brixton House Party

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The Brixton House Party was a house party hosted by the Duchess of Brixton the weekend of April 19, 1811, at Brixton Hall in Hampshire.


Lord Emerson, Lady Emerson, Miss Pritchard and Miss Hampton
Viscountess Tessington and Miss Beacham
Mrs. Greystone, Ladies Viola and Olivia Fitzgerald
Lord Parry
Lord Avening, Lady Gwendolyn Moncrieff and Miss Clare
Mr. Brett
Mr. Middleton, Lady Jane Middleton, and Miss Wriothesley
Lady Beatrice Howard
Lady Saxton and Lady Cassandra Edgeworth
Miss Clement
Katharine, Countess of Carrington
Earl of Aukland
Lady Newburry
Lord and Lady Worth
Admiral Blewitt
Captain Brydges
Mr. and Miss Rutledge
Lord Wyck
Lord and Lady Hawksley
The Duke of Leighton and Lord William Gosling

The Guest Rooms

  • All private guest rooms include an attached dressing room.
  • Some guest rooms are joined together by interior hallways as illustrated on the map.
  • There are several privy rooms located in each wing.
  • The second staircase is intended to be used by liveried servants only.
  • The smaller staircases are access to the basement, wine cellar and servants quarters.
  • Rooms that are not labeled do have purposes but are left to the guest discretion.
Ground Level Floorplan

1. Lady Beatrice Howard
2. Katharine, Countess of Carrington
3. Mr. Brett
4. Admiral Blewitt
5. Miss Clement
6. Lady Sandton

7. Lord Worth
8. Lady Worth
9. Mr. Rutledge
10. Miss Rutledge
11. Dowager Lady Hawksley
12. Lady Newburry

First Level Floorplan

13. Lord Parry
14. Lord Hawksley
15. Dowager Lady Emerson
16. Miss Pritchard & Miss Hampton
17. Lord Emerson
18. Lord Gabriel Pritchard

19. Lord Auckland
20. Lady Gwendolyn Moncrieff
21. Lord Avening
22. Captain Brydges
23. Miss Clare
24. Lady Sylvia Holmes

25. Lord William Gosling
26. Lord Tessington
27. Lord Wadebridge
28. The Duke of Leighton
29. Lady Tessington
30. Miss Beacham

31. Lord Wyck
32. Mr. Carlisle
33. Lady Saxton
34. Lady Cassandra Edgeworth
35. Mrs. Greystone
36. Ladies Viola & Olivia Fitzgerald

April 19th

Scheduled Events

  • Arrivals - afternoon
  • Dinner in the Grand Hall (J) - evening
  • Evening Entertainment in the Ballroom (C) - evening


April 20th

Scheduled Events

  • Breakfast - morning
  • Tea on the terrace - afternoon
  • Dinner in the Grand Hall (J) - evening
  • Charades and Masqued Ball (C) - evening


April 21th
