Foundling Hospital

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The Foundling Hospital in the 18th century

The Foundling Hospital was London's first real orphanage, established in 1739 by a sea-captain, Thomas Coram. While the word 'hospital' was used primarily in its old sense of a refuge or a place providing hospitality, the focus was more on the health of the children than educating them, which contributed in a great part to the establishment suffering from financial issues for many years, despite the growing fashion for philanthropy and charities during the eighteenth century into the nineteenth century.

It was located on Guildford Street in Bloomsbury, a little to the east of Russell Square.

The Hospital in LL

On the 28th April, a Charity Bazaar was held to raise funds for the Hospital, which several characters attended, among them Viola and Olivia Fitzgerald, their aunt Dorothy Greystone and friends Sir William and Mr Devenish.

See Also